SNI digital innovations in learning, in association with the medical news network, and silent majority speaks, are pleased to present an investigative report on what doctors need to know about
This is an interview with Russell Blalock, conducted on January 30th, 2024.
COVID-19 and its vaccine have produced a widespread disease which is the most severe in the last hundred years. It has killed millions of people, injured millions more, and its future complications
are unknown, but they are unfolding.
Thousands of papers have been written, information has been submitted. oppressed, governments have dictated treatments, health care regulations have been proposed. Most physicians in the world
are not acquainted with or do not know the basic biology of the virus, the vaccine or its complications. Patients worldwide are confused by the changing information from the government, media and
other sources.
This is the first of SI Digital's investigative reports. These reports are done to provide doctors and the public with the known facts about this disease and its effects and other subjects of great
concern to physicians
This program is in two one hour segments The material discussed is extensive. early research, every statement can be supported by factual information, as referenced. SI Digital's policy is to
address issues of concern to physicians all over the world. We present the facts, and you decide what you will do. Our major concern is that the patient should come first.
We hope you enjoy these investigative reports Thank you very much for watching. The interviewee in this series will be Russell Al-Blalock. He's the CEO of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, the
Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Neuroinflammation section of Surgical Neurology International, an Internet Journal which is read and seen in 239 countries all over the world.
He's the creator and editor of the Blalock Wellness Report, which is published monthly, and the author of multiple books and scientific papers.
Some of the books which Dr. Blalock has written are natural solutions for liver cure, natural strategies for cancer patients, his prescription for natural health, a book on excitotoxins, a
subject which he discusses in more detail in this interview. Along with Dr. Oussman, they co-authored a publication entitled The China Virus, What is the Truth? All of these books are available
on amazoncom.
The book The China Virus, What is the Truth? Is available free as an ebook, as an iglobal Go to menu, and from menu go to e-books, and you will see the book. Dr. Blaylock has also written a
series of articles, a number of which address COVID.
These articles have been published in Surgical Neurology International, and he's also written articles on immuno-excitotoxicity, a concept which he has worked on for the past 10 years, which he
thinks is fundamental to the neurodegenerative diseases involving the immune system activation
He's also written a book, this paper on the biochemical basis of neurodegenerative disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and the role of immuno-excitotoxicity in those diseases, and published
articles on Parkinson's disease specifically. His Blaylock Wellness Report is published monthly. The website is indicated on the bottom. Hello everyone, I'm James Hausband. I'm here with Russell
Blaylock, who's a
physician who's gonna be our expert today talking about the topic of what doctors need to know about COVID-19.
And as a way of introduction I'm, gonna talk to you a little bit about some things that have gone on just to remind you of what the past history is Back in about the end of 2019, 2020, we became
aware that there was an infection in China.
It was eventually labeled COVID-19 or sometimes called the China virus. It began to spread worldwide. Went to Europe and traveled all over the world. It was then called a pandemic. And after that,
a whole series of events occurred because people were fearful that this was gonna cause death. told that it was a very threatening disease. They knew about the serious problems that were being
reported in China. And there got to be, I think, somewhat in your panic about this. People were told to wear masks to isolate it. They were told not to go to work. And people were hospitalized.
We heard reports of people dying in the hospital. And so there was a very, the atmosphere was very frightening. The government went into a full court press and tried to develop a vaccine very
rapidly with the pharmaceutical companies and eventually toward the end of 2020, some vaccines began to emerge. And there were some other alternatives, but we were told they were not very valuable.
And then a massive attempt was, effort was made to vaccinate the population. And there was not only one set of vaccination, vaccinations, years there were two, there were multiple sets of
vaccinations. People experienced loved ones who were dying or people knew about that. They seemed to be getting the same experience from around the world.
as time went on, this is what happened eventually. The virus seemed to peter out or the disease seemed to peter out And some of the restrictions were reduced or eliminated,
but they're then cropped up as a series of questions and evidence saying, well, maybe this isn't all as bad as it seems to be. And there was different types of reporting about it, some reported
very serious problems of others reported it, it's not that serious. And so we get to the question of what is the truth? Which is fundamentally what we're trying to do
in surgical neurology, international surgical neurology, SNI digital, that's what this is being recorded on.
So we decided that it would be worthwhile to have an interview with somebody who was very knowledgeable about this, happens to be a neurosurgeon who was very interested in many of these disease
processes and way ahead of his time in many predictions. So we can ask him, and he's written many papers on this, books on this about COVID-19 and its complications as his own publication,
Healthcare Publication. And that's Russell Blalock. Russell, do you want to tell anybody, tell people about your background a
little bit, or do I cover it? Well, you covered it pretty well. I graduated from LSU Medical School in the '70s. And I, from there, I did a straight surgery,
And after that, I did a neurosurgery residency in South Carolina, and I practiced neurosurgery. I've always been interested in neurosurgery. And also everything connected with it. Dr. Janato was
a person I knew very well, and I used to scrub with him. And he said, A neurosurgery should know everythingabout medicine. And I took that to heart I learned general medicine. I learned how to
treat diabetes. I learned how to get steroids, do other surgical procedures. So you and I pretty much agree on
that. And that has been what I've been interested in. So I don't limit myself just a neurosurgery, which is very interesting, but brain function, spinal cord function, virology, bacteriology
All of these disciplines. that in some way might impact the health.
Well, okay, and it turns out that COVID-19 does involve a central nervous system. You're gonna tell us about that. And obviously other systems that are impacted on the health and things that
you've written about over the years. So why don't we get started? Because I think the audience wants to know, I think what we'd like to do is take everybody through it from starting about questions
about what is the actually, what is the virus, how bad is it? They heard questions about that it was made in the laboratory. How did it get out? How did it spread around the world? What do
people know about it? What's its net sequence? What did the government get involved in all this? Is the virus really as bad as what it is? And do we need all the protective measures we had? And
then after that, the vaccine. What do we know about the vaccine? like all the other vaccines were told to take or is it more dangerous? You've written a lot about vaccines over the years. It was
made in record time. So the public could be safe from this. We need to know what are the doctors that are listening to this or even some of the lay public. What else is in this vaccine? Need to
know about that.
And what do we know about it? Where does it go in the body? We were told it was localized initially but you've written about this. I've just written about it. It's distributed all throughout the
body. And what about these other drugs we were told about that you, I, Vermectin and I, Dr. Oxley-Clarquin, you can't use them. They're not very good and they're toxic and so forth. Was that
true? And then how bad is the disease? How was it to cause a lot of deaths? Everybody was tested. They know you had to go in the car or go to the hospital, keep getting the PCR testing is a
testing worthwhile. What part did the hospital play in this? What were the respirators? And we read some things that hospitals were being paid, extra amount of money for taking care of these
people. The medical journals, did they report about it? And if not, what happened? We know there's some evidence that saying all this information was suppressed. And now we're two years, three
years down the line, and we're seeing complications that are occurring. What are these complications? How bad are they and what does it mean to all of us? So we're going to try to do this. And
you and I've talked about this in about the next hour or so to give the doctors who really didn't get a lot of information about it, what is the truth about COVID-19? What do I really need to know?
Is the information I have on a date? Or was it correct to begin with? And let's start with the virus.
What is this a bad virus to begin with? It's supposed to be a virus like the cold virus. It's a coronavirus. Can you tell us what we need to know about it? And we'll go from there.
Well, from the very beginning, it was shrouded in secrecy.
And initially, when the virus came out, I was watching what was happening in China, and people were just falling down and they'd be walking along perfectly healthy and fall down And then we found
out that was actually fake photos. And then the Chinese government had faked them. And the physician who first discovered the coronavirus in China and its effect on people, he reported it. And the
Chinese government let him know very soon, we don't want this reported, do you keep quiet? Well, he had already published it and he quickly came down with COVID.
and in a short time he was dead. He was a fairly young physician.
Then they sequestered all the information about the virus. We had all kinds of information from the Wuhan Bioweapons Lab, which was a bioweapons lab, run by the Chinese Communist military. They
took all the information about the virus and hid it and destroyed
it And it had been published years before, but it was too late, that was in the Western literature. Very quickly, the virus begins to spread to other countries. And no one knew anything about
this virus, except it was a coronavirus. And as you said, there's a group of coronaviruses and most are, you know, pretty benign, the coal virus about maybe as high as four, five percent, 10
are coronaviruses
every year and have been for decades. People will get a little sick a few days or while. And so President Trump made the comment when this all started out and started to spread. He said, This is
not a thing to worry about. It's no worse than the flu. The mortality is not worse than the flu. Well, there were several epidemiologists who were looking at this. There was a virologist in
foreign countries who were looking at this They eventually said, everything Trump said was true, that the mortality was very low. Now, there are coronaviruses
that produce the death, but they also affect the very same group of people, the same age group, same frailty, same disease states, and they found out that young people didn't get it are they were
not affected by it. and that they recovered very quickly and they didn't transmit it and this virus died out. Well, most people know this in virology is that if a virus is a very fatal virus,
generally it dies out. The viruses that can spread, spread particularly worldwide are those that are more benign
because it doesn't kill the host.
And some of the early people said, Well, we don't know anything about this virus, won't we type it? Find out what the amino acid sequences are. Well, the government did everything in its power
to keep that from being done. But a few people did that and they said, What we found in this virus, it's been artificially created. Well, it was created in the
Wuhan Bioweapons lab of the Chinese Communist Party. It was not an independent lab. It was not a free lab. It was a bioweapons lab. Then it gradually came out. We are learning more and more about
the sequence. And one of the high ranking immunologists at National Institutes of Health, Kirsten Anderson immediately put out an email. I've looked at this virus, I've typed it, and it looks
like it was artificially created.
Immediately, he was attacked by a fauci and some of the people in the NIH. And the next day changed the story, that this was a completely natural virus, and it jumped from an animal, a bat, and
later a pangolin, to a human
So people were curious, why did you change your story? You immediately, your first response was, there's no question, this was created. This is not a natural virus
and it did not come from an elm. Well, as we all remember, in the very beginning, everything was about a wet market in China. And they were selling bats, particularly a lot of bats, and that
this is where the coronavirus began and then it spread through China and then it spread through the rest of the world. The problem was, is they finally tracked down patient zero, which is where it
all started. He never visited a wet market. The wet market said, We didn't sell any bats.
Unfortunately, the Chinese government didn't allow time to cover that up and it got out. And so two things were evident one of the first patients that was reported to have. The COVID infection in
China had never been to the wet market. Number two, the wet market didn't sell baths So that story for a while kind of felt or through and recently they've tried to Resurrected then they changed it.
Oh, it came from this animal of penguin
And that's that's kind of falling through as well. So eventually we realize
This this story is not not consistent. There's something wrong with it. The thing that was wrong with it Basically all you had to do is to see what the Chinese Communist government did they locked
The see whoa hand they wouldn't let anybody out anybody and they were trying to make the impression that they were going to keep it local But they did stop international flights So you could take
international flights out of this infected area of China
as long as you wouldn't spread it to the rest of China.
And so very quickly we started to see it. Well, one of the places it went to was Italy. And I just happened to read a report by an Italian reporter who they said was probably one of the best
reporters they had. And he examined it and he said, You know, the death from flu is the highest in northern Italy. Because the local press made a big deal about COVID is killing more people in
northern Italy than anywhere in the world. It's changed and there's something about it. And he said, That's nonsense. It's the most polluted place in Europe. It always exceeds the rest of Europe
and flu death. And that this is no different Well, finally, they did autopsies on these people in northern Italy, and they found out -
Well, these all were elderly. Almost all of them were either in the '80s or '90s. And they found that autopsies, they died of their comorbid disease. They didn't die of the COVID. And that on
average, they had three to four comorbid diseases. That was found here as well in other countries, Germany, Belgium, the different places. They started looking and said, well, almost all these
people near
the end of their life, they have three or four comorbid diseases. They're very sick. They're very frail. They're not healthy elderly. And in Italy, they had, I think, two cases of people that
were 101 years old. They got COVID and they recovered just fine. They didn't have any problem.
So people began to smell a rat, but they still didn't want this sequence. they didn't want to know what the virus did.
And what it was consistent with, was this a natural virus or did, was this created in a laboratory? Well, finally, somebody did the sequencing and they found out there's no question that this was
artificially created. And recently it's come out, well, they found a smoking gun and no nucleation, which is used to slice these RNA molecules and make insertions. And it said it's obvious that
other viral sequences have been inserted in this virus. One of these is HIV. And recently they did a study and found out 24 of the people that had the spike protein injection in them through the
came out HIV post. And so they said, well, maybe they had HIV. So they tested HIV, and they didn't find any.
So it was confirmed that actually it was inserted in this virus sequence. So now we have absolute proof beyond any doubt that it was artificially created in this bio-weapons lab. Now, the really
scary thing was that they couldn't do it by themselves They tried to infect animals, particularly pulmonary tissues with the COVID virus they had created. They couldn't infect them. And so Ralph
Berwick, who is a immunologist at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, he created a type of mouse that had human
lung tissue. And then he found that you could infect that lung tissue with this virus, and they shared that with
the Chinese communist by a weapons lab. And they were able to make, design this virus that would attach to the H2 receptor, enter the cell and produce the infection. But even so, when we looked
at all the data, and we looked at the graphs of people who were not sick, not frail, didn't have comorbid diseases, their death rate was no different than a mild flu, at best a moderate flu.
And they declared it a pandemic. Well, then it started looking at the, you know, the World Health Organization declared it a world pandemic. Well, there's certain criteria that you have to meet
to be a flat pandemic. And when they looked at the criteria, they said, well, number one, it not only has to spread around the world, 'Cause coal wire spreads around the world every year.
It has to kill people, have to be dangerous. They have to get seriously ill. Then it's a pandemic. And if it doesn't spread all over the world, and it does not produce serious pathological change,
even though it's a virus that goes everywhere, it's not a pandemic. Well, this virus did not meet the criteria of a pandemic Yet the World Health Organization and our American government declared
it a pandemic.
Let me stop you there, man, because you've covered a lot of ground. Let me just summarize it, so maybe ask some questions. First thing audience is gonna say is, I understand what you've said.
Is there a factual basis for all the statements you've made? And one of them is we wrote a book together on this, which detail this almost day by day from the very time you started with this.
up for the next year, year and a half or so in print and everything is documented. That's number one. Number two, you mentioned that the virus was
laboratory made. There's been all kinds of controversy about that. And the government has said, well, nobody knows where it from. They thought it was from the market, you'd address that. They
even shut the markets down, but it still occurred outside the market, just as you mentioned. And finally, they began to agree that well, it may have come from the laboratory. And that's just in
the last months or so that they began to agree that, but that's been covered up also. So I'm coming to a question as why is all the cover up? And so from what you said, there's evidence that we
can use to support every statement in the papers you've written or in the book that we have, There's evidence that supports every comment that you've made.
And so I think we get down to the first question is, what is this virus? It's a changed coronavirus. It's been changed in
the laboratory, but still what you're saying is the virulence. So the threat of this virus is still minuscule. It's very small, even the CDC, if it went and published at state, I said that the
death rate from the virus alone, even this modified drivers, was basically could only account for less than a percent and even smaller than that of all the deaths. So it was from the cold
morbidities, but yet that was being used as a method of, of apparently inducing fear in the public Is all of that what that I said is that summary correct There's no traffic.
So now we're through the virus. We've established the virus is man-made. And it basically is still a coronavirus. It's not virulent. And now we get into the next phase, which is the government's
going through all kinds of protective measures. You've got to wear masks, you have to social distance. You've got to stay home, you can't be treated. You go to the hospital, we've got to isolate
you. And you want to talk about the public and government reaction to what was now called a pandemic, but you just established it wasn't. Because people weren't dying from it, they were dying from
other comorbidities. And all this was being obviously amplified for the public. So what was about the protective measurements? What was the basis for that?
Well, if we look at it, and that was obvious as well For instance, if you looked at Sweden and Norway,
One country did all of these protective things, these so-called protective devices, PPP, to
protect the public, mask and washing their hands and social distancing, it's locked down all this nonsense. And then you see a country that shares a border, it did none of these things. The
mortality of COVID was no different. It did nothing And if you remember Faust, he said, All I need is, we need to lock down for two weeks, 'cause we just don't want the hospital to overrun. Well,
I, that rang a bell in my head because we had the H1N1
event before that. And I was interviewed and they asked me, he said, Well, do you think it's proper that they do some measures to keep it. from overwhelming the hospital. They were talking about
respirators, the whole business, this is long before COVID. And I made this statement, don't worry about it, there's not gonna be any hospital to overrun, there won't be any need for the excess
respirators to solve nonsense. And I was the only one saying, I was on one of the networks, wanted to interview me and after they heard that, they canceled it They talked to somebody that
terrified people that always gonna overwhelm everything. Well, what I'd done is looked at the south of the equator in the Southern Hemisphere, they had their winter before us and they had the flu
season before us. And if you looked at Australia, New Zealand, there wasn't any of these fearful things happening. Hospital were never run. There wasn't a need for excess respirators It passed,
and it was no different than any of the other sources.
So it turned out I was right. The hospital went over run. There wasn't a need for the respirators. It was all nonsense. And so then when I saw this, I said, it's gonna happen again. They had
four motor company, general motors making respirators. First time in their life, they were just inundated millions and millions of dollars worth of respirators. The hospitals were gonna be
overworked and the news media was showing the hospitals, the workers were just exhausted from working. Then I found out, well, you know, there's a videotape we have hospitals that are empty.
They cordoned them off like a crime scene so people couldn't get in and see if the emergency room was empty. One, an intrepid person got in the hospital and got them from the floors and it was empty
And now we found out that back then, two years ago.
Several of the hospitals had zero number of COVID patients. Other hospitals had numerous ones. What they were doing, putting them all in one patient and one hospital so they could have the media
come in, videotape them and say, Look, we're overrun. Well, you and I did a residency. And when I was a resident, we were always overrun. We always had patients in the hall We always had
patients on stretchers in the hall. So that wasn't a nerve. That happened every year. So what we saw is there's a lot of theatrics going on. And this lockdown was costing money. Businesses were
shut down. Restaurants were shut down. They were closed permanently. Now we're having these economic discussions about the cost of all this these are something like half of the businesses have
closed their doors. apparently. This has had a tremendous economic impact on people. School children were learning from home on computers. Now, almost everybody involved in businesses was losing
money except for a few. If you look at Silicon Valley, they made billions. You know what they made billions off of. Well, you can't leave your house. You need to get on Amazon. You need to get
on these special sites. And you need to teach and buy computers and teach your kids from a computer. So they made billions. That was recently on Tucker Carlson program. He reviewed all of that.
So not everybody was destroyed, but they destroyed the middle class, the smaller business, the restaurants, the people who worked in restaurants. They lost their job. They have no job.
This went far beyond what they were telling people. And then we started looking at it. And like you said, the mortality rate was even less than the flu. And for the first time, it didn't affect
young people. And they were amazed. They said, well, we thought this was going to kill the little kids, babies, children. It didn't. In fact, they didn't transmit it, and they didn't catch
it It was more or less than 1 insulin. Let me stop it here for a minute, and then we can catch up. So what we've got is that you've talked about the effects. One thing I'm going to ask you,
because you wrote about this, you've written about every aspect of this, what was the effect of the mask, and what was the evidence behind it? There was no evidence. And in fact, the recent made
review to evidence on the social distancing, the separator He said he was just pulled out of thin air, and what the experts were saying. This is an aerosolized virus. And so coughing and sneezing
is not the problem. It's aerosolized, which goes 27 feet. So if you were on a bus, you'd have to stand outside the bus, not just bread it. So the mass did no good. The other thing was the size
of the virus passed right through to math. And recently it's come evident. One of the things, I wrote one of the first articles about the math, when it's all stored. A friend of mine that's asked
me to write it. And I researched all of this, and I found out well the virus passed through to math, or to move forward. It's not coughing and sneezing that causes it. And most people don't know
how to wear a math. It leaks, it goes around the face, and they demonstrate that with smoke, and
different ways to show the mask as the aerosol go everywhere. It contaminates store shelves. It contaminates a person next to you behind you. So the mask was absolutely worthless. Well, they had
people who were experts in
bioengineering and they said, they had studied the mask for years and it's completely worthless.
And I look back at 17 studies that were done on the flu virus and mask. And what these studies showed is that they even had people sleeping in a mask, wearing their mask at home, not just working
out at work, but in the home, sleeping in them. And it had no real effect.
You also wrote about the fact that if you have a mask and this can affect people with comorbidities, it helps you, it makes you retain CO2 because you can't expire it. Why are you good? Tell us a
little bit about that Well, what I found is in the literature. people start retaining CO2 and have trouble oxygenated. And so they studied surgeons 'cause surgeons wear math while they're doing
surgery. And they looked at all ages wearing a master in surgery and they measured their oxygen intake. And they found out if it was over four hours, they were severely or significantly impaired
Now, it was age-related, the older you are, particularly if you have comorbid disease and you wear a mask, it's deleterious. If you're pregnant, it's deleterious. And when I looked at pregnancy,
they have special mechanisms to prevent hypoxia 'cause it's so damaging to the baby. Here you're wearing a mask producing hypoxia, damaging the development of the baby's brain And we know that that
even extends two years after that. birth. The last trimester in the first two years is when most brain development occurs.
So we knew all of it. And so people started measuring, well, what is the oxygen level in a math? They found it was extremely low. The other thing was they did a study in Florida when they looked
at contamination of the math. That is, it gets wet from your breathing and nasal secretion They found, I forgot something like 17 pathogenic bacteria. So these people were getting mask acne. They
were getting an abscesses of the face. And this, recently, someone looked at it and said, well, and I put this in my paper, they're re-breathing the virus. The virus goes through the olfactory
nerves into the brain. There's no blood-brain barrier between the olfactory nerves and entrance to the brain. It goes to the. hippocampus, which is your memory and learning, and he goes to
Now that was well known. I was one of the first people to say it's going to get in the brain by the nasal passages, and I had a friend of mine that's ahead of a group in Arizona, and I told him
that, and about two or three weeks later he said, Let's just come out. You were right. It's going through the nasal passages. And so, you know, I had studied the nasal passages and entry into
the brain for some other research I was looking at, and so I knew it. So the danger
is you're rebreathing the virus because of the math, and it's not only in your nasal cavity, now it's getting into your olfactory nerve and it's going into your brain and it's concentrated So let's
stop here for a minute. So what we've established so far, and there's there's evidence to support every one of these statements. It's in the papers, which we'll show at the end, and we'll put in
the end of this program so people can copy them and look for them. We've shown that the virus itself, even the manufactured virus in its genetically altered form, is still not very toxic. It
doesn't, it's not a
serious infection, okay? And we have all the evidence to support that. Now we have the reactive measures of wearing a mask. You've just said that that's ineffective. The social distancing didn't
make any sense, but practically it
couldn't be implemented. So they made it, they chose a figure at six feet or five feet. These little circles they had on the floor where you understand, they were meaningless 'cause the virus
already got there and it spread almost 30 already You've. feet talked about that. there was no protective measures that would be helpful. And so now we're down, we've gotten to the public home,
they're isolated, they're away from work, businesses are closing. Now the vaccine comes on the market. And they're publishing every day, they're publishing the statistics of the virus and they
did they have PCR testing at that time, early on before the vaccine? Oh yeah, well before that In fact they made a lot of the PCR talked about it. So what they did is they had a test which would
then measure if you had the virus in your passages what people interpreted that or they were made to interpret that you were infected and ill. But the facts are, you correct me if I'm wrong, is
that these were people who just had evidence that it was there and we don't even know if that was at a dosage that was severe enough. in a didn't say that it was a serious infection or disease. So
the data that was being put out was basically deceiving the public. Is that correct? That's correct. It goes further. I mean, of course, the developer of the PCR test, he made the statement,
he said, You never use PCR test to diagnose an infection He said, That's ludicrous. And he said, The PCR test can't tell the difference between a viral fragment, a live virus or dead virus. And
he said, So you're testing people, they may just have a fragment in it that's not infectious and it doesn't tell you they're sick or not. And so what they did is they tested virtually everybody in
a store, in a hospital. People were in car access, automobile bills, I have suicide, all kinds of things. in the hospital, they tested it with PCR tests.
And then they was, oh, it's positive. And what they shown it, cross-react. It'll cross-react with any coronavirus. And across-react, they found out even when the flu virus. So it's not
specific. And it can't tell the difference between a live virus and did virus. Okay, so now we're setting the stage because out comes the vaccine So can you tell us a little bit about what is the
vaccine, what's in it, how does it work? You inject it and other companies told this, if you got it, it stayed in a certain location. You have to have two shots, not one. And then how long did
it last? And where was it distributed? Can you talk about those things? Yeah, a number of virologists. And as you said in the introduction, most of our virologers that were in foreign country.
Some of the world written noun, by all of us, for instance, Dr. Bossey, who I've talked with,
and Dr. Cardi, he's written a book and I read his book and watched his interviews. He was arrested for speaking out And
so, both of these people said
this is a ludicrous thing. He said if you would not treat it, not wear a mask, it's so benign and a short time, everybody would be immune to it, and this would all be over. So
the natural community was being ignored. It was absolutely They had numerous physicians, they had two physicians who started out talking about that, they were very popular, people listening to
them, they threw them out of their medical association and they took the likes of them. Okay, let's go to the vaccine. They make the vaccine up and the companies
are incentivized because they get paid by the government for making the vaccine. They got to make millions and millions and millions of doses so everybody can be injected and also can go to foreign
countries. What is the, what's in the vaccine? I'd say it's a virus, what's the structure? What's in there? What are the components that are in there? Tell us a little bit about that. So we've
already got the virus What's about the vaccine? Well, it's not really a vaccine. And this is a point that people make. It's a genetic product. And what they wanted to do is try this new idea,
which was a messenger
RNA injection. And they designed the messenger RNA, but they knew that the body has an RNA ACE, which destroys it quickly And so they wanted encapsulated. and a nano lipid carrier. It's just like
a little box that puts it in, it puts it in a little bubble, that's made of lipids. And it stays inside there and it's protected against the enzyme. And
originally they said, well, it stays exactly where we inject it. It won't go anywhere. The media prepared to do that immediately over and over. It stays right in the arm And recently the
developer in analytical care said, we knew from the beginning that was a lie. It goes everywhere.
They have studied
and they found out that the manufacturer of this vaccine, so-called vaccine had studied this before they released it, before it was approved under emergency organization, a bio distribution study
This bio-distribution studies show it went everywhere. It's particularly concentrated in the female ovary and everybody's bone marrow.
But it went everywhere, even in the brain. They found it everywhere. So they knew before it was ever approved from this bio distribution study they did, but that was a lot. And the media carried
that line. And when it was pointed out, they ignored it Let me ask you, did the companies do pathology studies? 'Cause I don't remember that they were commonly published on the animals that they
tested the vaccine. The cold vaccine that we're developing, the viral fragment or the
RNA back RNA vaccine.
Tell me about
that. They don't publish any of this. In fact, they had gone to court. People were trying to get
a fola, a federal request for this information from the vaccine come. The companies went to the court, asked the court to give them a 25 year, it would be hidden. Then they changed it to 75 years.
They would be long gone by the time this information was released And of course, anybody has any sense would say, why did you want this information hidden even for 25 years? You had done these
studies, you didn't publish them, you didn't release the raw data, you refused to release the folder, and then you wanted hidden for 75 years. Now, at the same time, these people who are
theoretically dying, not theoretically who are dying, supposedly related to the virus. There are no autopsy studies. Why did that happen? I mean, in America, I think there's even, there's been
a decreasing percentage of autopsies, but I think there's still six to 10 something like that, but nothing was happening. What happened? Well, you know, generally we know, everybody in medicine
knows your most accurate diagnosis. If you wanna learn the most about a disease, it's the LTCH For the first time in the history of modern medicine, autopsies were discouraged. The CDC came out to
a pathologist, don't do autopsies here and in foreign countries. And so for the first time, they were not doing them. And the pathologists were literally screaming, we need more autopsies. We
need series of autopsies, large numbers They were asking for 80 up to 80 out of them.
The government didn't want them to autopsy anybody.
The pathologist said, we've looked at the data, and the excuse was, well, they're afraid that the pathologists get infected from the dead that died of COVID. They found there was only one
pathologist who even got sick from an autopsy, and he had it before he did the autopsy. So that was shown to be false. That was a lie Well, then when they did the autopsy, they found out why.
And what the autopsy does is, number one, is it tells whether the doctor made a mistake, whether the doctor's treatment, whether the hospital's treatment, whether the nurse's treatment led to the
patient's death, and had nothing to do with the bars. They didn't want that discovered
If you remember, they were paying extra to put COVID as the cause of death on destitute. first time ever, I'm
78 years old. I remember never being told what to put on a death certificate to build it out. Suddenly, hospital were telling physicians, I don't care what they died from, put
COVID on, we get paid extra for
it. If you make it a COVID death And they, one of the senators, I had to hear it, he said 40 of the death certificates died of something else. Heart attack, one was actually shot and killed in
an assault. One committed suicide, a motorcycle accident, on and on and on. And they wanted them signed out as a COVID death for several reasons Once, immediately, they got more money, but it
may be so-called pandemic looked much worse. It instilled fear. Look at all these refrigerated trucks full of dead bodies. Look at these hospitals overrun with the dead dying of
COVID and they knew that was a lie. That many of those people, particularly in nursing homes, these people were dying of other things. They didn't die of COVID. Okay, let me interrupt you here.
So we got to the virus, we got to this, and there's a little story about that I think not recently, but then the past, I think a year or a year and a half, it was revealed that the definition of
a vaccine was changed to accommodate this new RNA sequence that they were manufacturing, so that it could then pass under the restriction of being a vaccine. Can you explain that?
Well, it's not strictly a vaccine 'cause the vaccine is supposed to prevent a disease
and prevent transmission, it didn't either. So it meant none of the definitions of a vaccine. It did not prevent transmission, did not prevent disease. So you say, Well, why are you calling
this a vaccine? And then you've got genetic structure in it. See, for years, they've wanted to make a DNA vaccine and the RNA vaccine. The DNA vaccine was just terrible value It just didn't work.
They're still trying to make it. And the RNA vaccine was only in
the research world to try to make a vaccine for cancer. It's never intended for a bar. The problem with the vaccine is it generates the spike protein. That's the purpose of the messenger RNA is it
generates spike protein with a spike protein. is the toxic part of the virus. It's not the nucleocapsid, it's
the spike protein. That's the harmful part. And so you have an injection that is generating the most harmful part of the virus. And it does it continuously. Well, there are so many things. When
they made this, they said we're gonna make an RNA, they're gonna manufacture in the laboratory and RNA virus, they put in there the spike protein and could have had the HIV or some other things
you'll tell me about that in a minute. That then does not stay in the arm. It's distributed throughout the body. It gets into the cellular tissues. You haven't gotten to this yet, but if it gets
into the cellular tissues, where does it go from there? And does it become part of the RNA and then the DNA of the individual? So you have an individual then for who can begin to generate this
spike protein for their entire life. We haven't studied it that long, but at least as long as it's been studied, I think people have found that. So that's the vaccine. The vaccine has the RNA
sequence, which contains mostly the spike protein. And does it have some other things? Does it have an HIV sequence in it? It does, and there's other things being found in this vaccine that
they've consistently denied graphing oxide. They denied there was any graphing oxide in it. Well, a group of researchers at the universities, I think it was three universities in Spain,
universities from other countries all discovered yes, it contains graphing oxide. Well, graphing oxide, if not reduced, is extremely harmful if it oxidizes.
freely floating in your blood is a good chance it's gonna become oxidized and produce damage. So there's more in it than just a master RNA than a researcher who's a molecular biologist from the
university that I did my neurosurgery runs at, the University of South Carolina. He found it contained thousands of bits of DNA, certainly DNA that is incorporated in the person's
DNA. Now, initially, even if we discount all that and it just, just talk about the master RNA, a researcher said we found out that it reverse incorporates the master RNA into a DNA. They denied
it and the news media carried it that there's no evidence of DNA insertion. Well, this was published and it is in the medical literature that it does indeed undergo this reverse transcription into
the DNA. And that would mean not only is that person producing the spike protein from then on, he can transmit it to his offspring. Oh
gosh. So now we know now the vaccine, we know what the, this quote vaccine or this protein pseudo vaccine, maybe that's the
way to put it that way. What it does is produces a spike protein, it's got some DNA contamination, it has some other
metal products in the injection, also which could be harmful. None of these things are known. They didn't do testing in animals long enough to discover all this today
Well, they do hardly any animal testing. They just
did the bio distribution study. the rest of it they didn't do. And this is what people are making the point of, and they're right, is the human beings to people in the safety test and that are
being vaccinated now, or they're the test animal. Because none of the vaccines that are now being promoted today. And I says, now ahead of the history, what we're just talking about have been
tested in humans. The vaccine that is being promoted today for COVID, has not been tested in animals. That's been written, I think, in the news, but that is a fact, right? That's right. Now
things again, we've talked about, you've talked about, you've written in the papers, these are facts that can be determined. Okay, now we've got the, now we've got the
individual who's got the, quote the virus, which we know is not harmful. We know that people with comorbidities don't do well.
We know they're being isolated, put on masks and so forth, businesses are being shut down, would have no effect on this. We know that the deaths that are being reported are being exaggerated,
we've just established that. We know that the testing does not test for the live virus or for illness, so we know that. Now what happens is there are two parts. One is the acute part, in other
words, some people were infected with the virus itself and became acutely ill. They went to the hospital. They weren't treated with anything because they said there was no drug they could treat you
with and they waited until the last minute to try something. Some people were put on steroids, on ventilators, but that's where the death rate occurred. So is there an acute reaction to the virus
itself? And then we're talking about the second set of reactions, which are to the vaccine, which is producing the spike protein. is that correct? That's correct. Okay. Is the acute reaction
that people had some of these people went to the hospital and they immediately got worse and died? Was this because of their genetic predisposition to this? They didn't have a good immune system?
What were some of the explanations for that? Well, the people who became significantly ill,
they did have immune suppression and I want to
tell people this. The number one immune suppressor that the American public is taking in large doses, millions of people are statins. Statins are such powerful immune suppressing agents that one of
the transplant surgeons said we always use it on transplant patients to I need them from rejecting Oregon
And so. Here you have tens of millions of people on an immune suppressant, particularly the older people. And now you give them a minor virus. And I told you that if you take just a common coal
virus and a nursing home, the mortality is 8. That's significant. That exceeds the COVID-19 virus So we know that it's related to immune function. If you have a good immune system, that's why
young people don't get effective. They have good immune systems. And I think they did have some pathology studies of those who cute deaths. And they found that there was an overwhelming immune
reaction, just an excessive, and you've talked about this as say, an excessive super immune response, which killed the patient, basically. Is that correct? Yeah, we generally call that a
sitcom storm.
And what happens to these people is they came into the hospital, I put it in the paper and Corey talked about it. Is this is the first infection ever in my memory that we said, well, don't treat
the patient until they're seriously ill to their hospital. That's never been done before. Just take the halenol and drink some water. And then if you get really sick, go to the hospital. Well,
these patients, people did that. They went to the hospital and they weren't that bad off. They little short of breath. And they said, it was unusual. We never seen this. Shortness of breath are
the oxygen level was low and they were talking. They said, they weren't in distress. They weren't panicked. He said, usually people who have very low oxygen levels
And so one of the, one of the young
medicine doctors, she was in one of the emergency rooms. He said, well, why don't we just give him half a little oxygen instead of a, put him on a respite. And well, we're afraid it'll spread
the COVID everywhere. Well, it was everywhere. 'Cause they showed that it's everywhere in the emergency room and in the interior. So he took a group of patients and he put him on just oxygen by
high flow, not by a respirator. They did very well.
And these people will have a McCullotoxibis. He said, you can see people with a blood gas appeal to us 40. And they're no distress. They're publicly comfortable. So he just raised it by oxygen
flow and they did fine. The ones on respirators, The mortality was 80 or 90 percent.
The hospital was paid extra a lot of money for a patient if you'd put them on a respirator. So they told all the doctors, you either put them on a respirator or we'll remove you. So they started
putting people on respirators and they had an enormous death rate and they blamed it on COVID. They weren't dying of COVID, they were dying of the imposed treatment Now, who imposed these standards?
The CDC Center for Disease Control. And as I said in my paper, they've never treated a single patient
and they've never had a protocol. The experienced surgeons, experienced people out in the world treated thousands of patients, had almost no deaths. One untreated a thousand patients and he had
one death and something like six hospitalizations.
They didn't ask him to make the protocol. They didn't ask the experts who were experts in pulmonary medicine to make the protocol. They asked people and the CDC had never treated the soul. And it
became absolute at every hospital. Right here in Mississippi, they had one of the doctors decided he wasn't gonna give the drug that they wanted to give, he wanted to give out of her And so when
they came back to him and they came back to him, they not only took away his hospital privileges, but they carried him out of the hospital with two hospital employees as if he was a criminal.
You've had people who had their license removed. When they insisted, I want to treat him different. Now, Pierre Corey is an expert in pulmonary medicine. He's treated thousands in case
But what we find is there's intense inflammation in the lung. And if you treat them with steroids and don't put them in a respirator, they get well, most of them, by far.
American College of Thoracic Surgeon came out, or Thoracic Medicine came out and said, Don't put anybody on steroids. And so hospitals wouldn't let anybody put patients on steroids. They were
giving patients by order
drugs that were supposed to suppress breathing. And then their oxygenation would falter, then they'd put them on a respirator, and then they'd die, and then they'd get paid more money. Now, as I
tell in the paper, what you find is that a large number of hospitals are going bankrupt.
And so they're desperate, desperate need for money. So they'll do these things And When I wrote this paper, I even heard from a hospital administrator who had quit. And he said, that's just what
we saw, just what we experienced. This went all over the world. And they all said the same thing. 99 of this is exactly what we experienced. This is the end of part one of this interview. The
material provided in this program is for informational purposes And is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem, or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical