What is SNI Digital®-Innovations in Learning? 1232

SNI Digital® is Peer-reviewed, interactive, rated, time stamped, Video journal of Neurosurgery and Neuroscience with Interactive Discussion of Information, not just Information.
  • Real life Communication beyond two-dimensional written Information only
  • A worldwide audience for information exchange & ideas
  • Discussion of controversies on treatment choices
  • Video with simultaneous real time translations in multiple languages using “Closed Captions” (CC).
  • Audio so you can listen while multi-tasking at home or in the car.
  • Round Table case discussions with different viewpoints offered worldwide
  • Short lectures and Q&A on New Advances in Neuroscience.
  • Provides English printable text and Closed Captions (CC) in 10 languages. 
  • Practical information you can use.
  • Short summaries of papers, meetings, scientific information of all kinds, interviews, discussions on various topics to fit your time.
  • Editorial content on social, economic, and political events of interest to physicians 
  • UCLA 101 Neurosurgery and Clinical Neuroscience Lecture series 
  • Lazareff Philosophy of Medicine and Research Lecture series 
  • Content for LMIC showing how to develop modern neurosurgery in resource limited environments 
  • Hernesnieimi 1200 operative video series 
  • Content for YNSS (Young Neurosurgeons and Students to experienced neurosurgeons and neuroscientists) 
  • Contents from Sound-byte to short interviews, interactive lectures and full length meetings for your selection 
  • A forum for new ideas, innovation, and creativity.
  • All content of the SNI Digital® Neurosurgery Summit 2021 rated >93% Positive.
  • SNI Digital® is for those interested in Neurosurgery-Neuroscience at all ages.
  • Formatted for Smart Phones, digital Tablets, and Computers.
  • SNI Digital® content on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, & WhatsApp (Coming 2024).
  • Available to you 24/7/365 days a year to use and download- all FREE
  • Open to video submissions and comments which are fact based  
SNI™, Surgical Neurology International® , the Journal will continue serve as a reference resource.
SNI Digital® is your Video Journal for Information and Discussion.
Time Stamps (TS), you can select the presentation time that fits your needs.
All content is peer-reviewed and rated for your choice; Almetrics Viewers updated real time
A Search feature so you can select by topic, rating, and Time Stamp  for your needs.

For Neurosurgeons with experience, wisdom, and desire to Volunteer in the education of YNSS by participating in:
  • Discussions of Neurosurgical Cases, Mentoring,
  • Review and rating digital content (internet videos) for the SNI Digital® website,
  • Reviewers of papers for SNI™
  • Research and paper writing guidance for those interested
  • Participation in Interviews, meetings as commentator   
  • We will fit your time schedule. Tell us how much time you can spend.
  • We need people technically skilled with video editing experience, Social Media, and technology skills to bring these new forms of communication to a wider audience.
  • We need your help in organizing SNI Digital® Meetings internationally and locally on line.
This is an appeal to a worldwide audience of Neurosurgeons & Clinical Neuroscientists to volunteer for this new venture in world education.
For Young Neurosurgeons and students, (YNSS):
  • If you are a Young Neurosurgeon (YNSS), or neuroscientist, medical student, and want to participate, we welcome you and your colleagues.
  • You are our young colleagues, and we want to hear your ideas and suggestions or comments. SNI Digital® wants you to tell us the programs you desire. 
  • You can help us design SNI Digital® for your interests.
You are the Future of Neurosurgery and Medicine. See the programs YNSS have contributed. SNI Digital® should be a Forum for YNSS and allow for the exchange of new ideas worldwide. At all ages we are learning from each other. That is what Medicine is about.
We need technical help as technology changes. Let us know what you want to do to participate in SNI Digital®.
How to access the new SNI Digital® Website:
  1. Visit our website at snidigital.org or
  2. Go to the SNI™ Home page using  sni.global ;
  3. Click on the SNI Digital® Logo on the Surgical Neurology International Homepage
  4. to go to SNI Digital® website.
  5. You will see Version 3.2.2  Home page with Announcements on the Left, and most recent 10 Videos on the Right  or use  SEARCH/  options for a choice of programs.
  6. Select the Language you want from the top right of the page; All of the content in CC Video, Home pager text and Translations will be in language of your choice 
  7. Click on the Session you want to see
  8. Choose your Audio and/or Print language options or
  9. Click on the Video to watch with Closed Captions (CC) to follow the discussion
  10. Click to print the Translations options
  11. Click the icon at the bottom of the page   to  leave a Comment, suggestion or request CME certificate 
If you would like to volunteer to work with SNI Digital® or send Comments:
Write to  ausman@snidigital.org , with your e-mail, comments, interests, a brief bio, your ideas for SNI Digital®, phone number or Social Media contact. We will contact you to discuss how you can be a part of SNI Digital®. Or let us know your ideas on what we can do better.
How to submit a Video or content for SNI Digital® - Your content submission steps:
  1. Accepted Videos will be published with Video Abstracts and then will. be listed on PubMed and Searchable
  2. Content may include Videos of Case Reports, Case series, Research Reports, and 
  3. Literature review, Editorial Comment, Surgical Video, Lecture, Lecture series,
  4. Presentation of unique scientific observation or idea…or other ideas, all in video format.
All Video reports should follow the usual format of: 
  1. Summary Abstract
  2. Introduction and statement of question to be answered;
  3. Methods used in answering the question;
  4. Results of experiment/project-answers to the question;
  5. Discussion of other work relating to the subject of this our presentation, 
  6. Significance of your report;
  7. Conclusions. 
Your video report must follow a fact-based reasonable approach to solving the question. References will be needed for the user to access and to be included as part of the presentation. Key reference(s) designation will be necessary for user to use. Copies of Key Papers should be sent with each submission.
Short Presentations covering the essential points of your work, are what people want to see and hear. If you meet someone in the hall and they ask about your work, you tell them what you are doing in a few minutes without slides. Tell them what they want to know. That is what SNI Digital® wants. Short, Simple, Informative information. 
SNI Digital® is interested in publishing Short 15 -minute Summaries of meetings held around the world as videos. This feature will provide our user audience with opportunities to see and hear the new advances everywhere without leaving home.

Contact  ausman@snidigital.org  with your interest in this feature for your meeting or organization. Authors fees will be up to $400 per submission based on length. Fees will be waived on request to the Editor. An Upgrade will be ready to accept your content in early 2024. Write:  jamesausman@mac.com for more information.

Legal Considerations for SNI Digital®: Revised and Updated 5/26/24

The material and contents contained in SNI Digital® is for informational purposes and is not intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.
The James I. and Carolyn R. Ausman Educational Foundation (The Foundation), owner of SNI™ and SNI Digital®, does not 1) Guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any third party content on the website or provided through this service, or 2) adopt, endorse, or accept responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice, or statement made by any party that appears on the website or service. Under no circumstances will the company or its Psychics or Affiliates be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting for your reliance on information or other content posted on the website or service, or transmitted to or by any members.

The information provided in this program is for educational and informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for a health care provider's consultation.  Please consult your own physician or appropriate health care provider about the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your own symptoms or medical conditions as these diseases commonly present with variable signs and symptoms.
Check with a physician if you suspect you are ill, or believe you may have one of the problems discussed on SNI DIGITAL, as many problems and disease states may be serious and even life-threatening.  Also note that while SNI DIGITAL frequently updates its contents, medical information changes rapidly.  Therefore, some information may be out of date or even possibly inaccurate and erroneous.  If you find information on our site that you believe is in error, please contact us at: ausman@snidigital.org
The information on SNI DIGITAL should not be considered complete, nor should it be relied on to suggest a course of treatment for a particular individual. It should not be used in place of a visit, call, consultation or the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider. Information obtained from SNI DIGITAL is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions or their treatment. Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider promptly. Always consult with your physician or other qualified health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet or fitness program. You should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in SNI DIGITAL.
SNI DIGITAL does not recommend or endorse any specific test, products, or procedures that may be mentioned on the Site. Any opinions expressed on our website are the opinions of the authors. SNI DIGITAL does not assume any liability for the contents of any material provided on the Site. Reliance on any information provided by SNI DIGITAL, its Health Experts, commentators, interview subjects or other visitors to the site is solely at your own risk. SNI DIGITAL assumes no liability or responsibility for damage or injury to persons or property arising from any use of any product, information, idea, or instruction contained in the materials provided to you. SNI DIGITAL reserves the right to change or discontinue at any time any aspect or feature of this site.  

In addition to the preceding paragraph and other provisions of this Agreement, any advice that may be posted on the Website  or through the Service is for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional, financial, medical, legal, or other advice. The  Foundation makes no representations or warranties and expressly disclaims any and all liability concerning  any treatment, action by, or effect on any person following the information offered or provided within or through the Website or Service. If you have any specific concerns or a situation arises in which you require professional or medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.
Fundamental Principles regarding SNI™ & SNI Digital®:
SNI™ has stood for the Truth and independent thought.
Since its inception in 2010, SNI™ has no characteristics by which we make judgments, only fact-based information. All personal and background information is unknown to our reviewers. This policy will extend to SNI Digital® in regard to all submissions.
We are open to all people and ideas everywhere. We are an online medical fact-based information service interested in the Truth, with global participation and discussion of all viewpoints. That is the reputation we have, uphold, and will continue in this new service, which is for everyone, everywhere.
In SNI’s and SNI Digital’s world, “The Patient comes First!”
We are interested in Helping People Throughout the World. This is what we do with our services.
If you want to support this new SNI Digital® service with a contribution:
The James I. and Carolyn R. Ausman Educational Foundation is a tax-exempt IRS 501(c) (3) private operating foundation. Thus, donors can deduct their contributions to the Foundation, which owns Surgical Neurology International® and SNI Digital™.
The funds the Foundation receives are directed to these educational efforts.
Donations should be addressed mailed to: JI&CRAusman Educational Foundation, 2205 Glenbrook Way; Las Vegas, NV, 89117, USA. Include your address, donation or tax number or EIN so you can receive credit. We appreciate any support you wish to donate toward this worldwide educational effort.
Thank you for joining us in this new 21st century opportunity to stay active, informed and meet people worldwide. Pass this on to your neurosurgical/medical friends and colleagues who may also be interested.