I'm Jim Ausman, the creator of SI Digital, the new video journal of neurosurgery and neuroscience.
SI Digital Innovations and Learning has some new upgrades to the website that we think will make it much easier for you to navigate and to use. The web address for SI Digital is sidigitalorg. Take
that term and put it in your browser. You've taken SI Digital, placed it in your browser, your browser then takes you to the home page of SI Digital. On this left-hand side here, you see a large
window which has the video of the program you want to watch. On the right-hand side, you see five videos of the most recent additions to SI Digital. Now, before we go further, I'd like to show
you the first step I think you should take.
go to the upper corner here where it says Select Language. Click on that and see that you'll see 12 languages which you can use. These languages can be used to
translate the entire website. I picked Chinese and you see all the written parts of the website are translated into Chinese. Even the transcript which you can print out is translated into Chinese.
We include options, we click off the select language and now we're in the default language which is English. On the home page here looking at the major video you see some icons at the bottom of the
video. First there are five star ratings. These are the ratings of the viewers who've watched it compiled. And this video which has been up for 24 hours has been seen and appreciated and liked by
three out of five people. You can rate the video yourself at the end, which allows you and others to see what you think about it. And it has a five-step rating system. Five is the highest, zero
is the highest. Another item here is the transcript. Before we get to the transcript, I'm gonna show you that there's a summary underneath the video, an abstract, which tells you in very, very
limited words and summarizes what the video is about. Now, if we go to the view transcript, it appears in the place of the summary, and it is a direct translation of all the audio between of the
speaker and all the discussions in the audience. At the end, if you wanna print it out, you click the print button, it'll print out in your home computer. You can save it for notes and make notes
after the presentation if you print it out immediately. You can print it out and file it for reference later, or you can even file it as a textbook that you're gonna save for the future. Click view
transcript and it goes away. Another feature in this video is the podcast feature. I'm gonna click on a video here. A podcast don't come up the first few days. It takes a few days for them to be
put up And click on this
spine surgery by Nancy Epstein, her lecture. Again, you see this received a four out of five rating. Here you see the view transcript and the rating scale. And over here in the end is listen to
podcast. This clicking will take you immediately to the bottom of the page, where you see most of your approaches to the spine and review by Nancy Epstein. Click on the button here and you will be
in - and I take a look to hear the video. If you are a subscriber to podcasts from Apple, Amazon or Spotify, you can go to those sites, look up SI digital, you will find all of these recordings
in those websites. What you can do with this is while you're multitasking in the room, you can turn on the audio, or you can put on your earphones, plug it in and go out and exercise and walk,
you could use it, when you're waiting for somebody to come to a meeting, I will go back to the video on this page. And here's the video. You click on the, you click on the arrow.
You see the video which then is
in front of you, if you want to make a larger view, you go and make this into a larger view.
And these closed captions will appear in the language of your choice soon, and you see all the rating systems here. I'm gonna take you to the search strategy for SI Digital. You see the three icons
up here at the top. The first icon lists all the videos by their title with a little more detail. So you can go through this list, and you can look at the ones you might be interested in and click
on it, and you will see it, you'll be able to see it. Another way, which may be a little easier, is we ranked all the videos with multiple choices. These are five in a series, on a line in
the smartphone version. There's only four of this series. And here is the first video. It's on addiction and drug abuse, which is one out of two people in America have. And if you hover over the
video, You see a more detail added to this short. explanation at the beginning. Here's a video on the global manage of intracerebral hemorrhage of different kinds, a case of complex spine surgery
with multiple fusions who came back for reevaluation and reoccurrence of symptoms, choroid plexus coagulation, which is not done in many places around the world. You can learn about it and see why
that's preferable, that an ETV is preferable in the treatment of childhood hybrid hydrocephalus. We've introduced new topics here is a topic of semicircular canal disease that's treated
neurosurgically, because of incapacitating heartbeats in the ear and other symptoms. And this has been found to be highly successful, ECI bypass for aneurysms, or even managing subarachnoid
hemorrhage in other countries. This is on critical care by a critical care specialist. And this is a talk on how you can reduce mortality by instituting
the ideas you recommend to achieve those goals. This is a paper which is an example of treating an AVM which is genetically unique because it has unique sites due to its genetic difference with it,
treated with precision medicine and shows how the AVM is disappearing in that patient In controversial topics every discussed, here is a investigative report from SNI Digital on COVID-19 and how it
can affect your patients. Many of these people come back with long COVID and present in the office with symptoms I saw a patient in the office who had a recurrent symptoms from immune suppression and
developed a cerebral abscess. All due to COVID. In addition, we have the 101 neurosurgery UCLA series with experts from around the world who are invited to give lectures. This happens to be one on
neural radiology, but there's about 15 others in the same kind of category.
And if you're interested in research with the Glasgow Neuro Society in Glasgow, Scotland, we have young people who are presenting innovative front edge research and summarized in a very short period
of time, which can help you get acquainted with what's coming In the future in neurosurgery. In addition, we have round table discussions. We have one here that's on how to treat gliomas and
another on pediatric treatment of medioloblastoma and cranial friendeoma in there is one of the first uses of endoscopic approaches to remove the cranial friendeoma.
So now we can go back by clicking on the red icon to the home page. If we go to the bottom of the home page, you can see a list which comes from the menu. And on this list are instructions for
authors, board members, what the video series, a special video series there are. If you click on that, you'll see the operative video series from Dr. Harness Nimi There are 1200 videos here,
they're absolutely done by a world class neurosurgeon, excellent teaching. If you want to leave a comment, look at the blue icon at the bottom of the page, look on the icon, and you can report a
problem that you're having with technical problem with a computer. You can report a feature that you'd like to see added or speakers you'd like to see us invite, or you can contact us about any
subject and we will get back here as soon as we can What I'd like to show you now is what this looks like on your smartphone.
And your smartphone edition, actually the vision you see is this.
And this vision is of what you'll see on the phone screen. And you see here it is. These are the different search categories. This is a menu where you can get all those categories, looking for the
special series and all the other things you'd like to know. This is the search strategy we've been through. This is the Substance Abuse article and the different features that it has.
The rest of the five videos on the homepage and you can get back and also see the put get to the podcast. So this is designed to make it easy for you to learn
and we hope that this is worth your while. So what we reviewed are simple strategies, new simple strategies for searching on SNI Digital. They're over 158 programs. They're all peer reviewed are
provitionally produced. There's real-time translations into 12 languages, all have interactive discussion, closed captions, podcasts for mobile listening, printouts of the lecture. It's free to
everyone everywhere for 247, 365, and after eight months it's viewed in 141 countries. I wanna thank you very much for listening to this introduction, and we hope you enjoy.