16th Baghdad Meeting; Whole Meeting Presentations

SUMMARY: This video is the complete meeting of videos by Neurosurgeons in the 16th Baghdad SNI/SNI Digital conference held by Zoom with a global audience Lectures from Dr. Al-Khafaji, Head of Iraqi Board of Neurosurgery in Iraq;  Dr. Sami, the Head of Neurosurgery involved in the  advanced development of Neurosurgery in Kurdistan to a world class status in northwest Iraq ;  the Gamma Knife Experience in 5 centers in Iraq  with over 5000 patients reported by Dr. Hamandi at the Baghdad Gamma Knife center; 3  YNSS Student short lectures;  and a final Lecture on the Future of Neurosurgery and Medicine by 2100 by Dr. Ausman

  • James I. Ausman, MD, MA, PhD

    CEO SNI and SNI Digital; Emeritus Professor Neurosurgery

  • Samer Hoz, MD

    Head Cerebrovascular Surgery, Neurosurgery Teaching Hospital Baghdad , Iraq

  • A
  • A Hadi Al Khalilli, MD, FRCS, FACS, MPhil

    Former Chair, Department of Neurosurgery

  • A
  • Abd Al-Ameer J. Al-Khafaji, MD

    President, Iraqi Board of Neurosurgery

  • Y
  • Yasir M. Hamandi, MD

    Professor; Department of Neurosurgery; Al-Nahrain College of Medicine