5 Keys to becoming a good Physician, Scientist, Person; Dr. James Ausman

SUMMARY: Keys to becoming a successful physician, scientist and person.

Developing the powers of Observation; How to analyze a problem (Get history, data for examination; form differential choices; do research to develop choices; testing to establish choices; conclusion.) Which are all life's lessons on approaching challenges. Why?  is the most important question in life. Question everything in your search for the Truth. What is the Truth?  Principles for everything you do for Life.  "Do unto others what you would want done to yourself": The Golden Rule of all religions and of all people to live in a global society of peoples. A simple rule for all people for life. If you were the patient or your spouse, children, or family, what would you want done for them?  The fundamental question a doctor must ask themselves. 

  • James I. Ausman, MD, MA, PhD

    CEO SNI and SNI Digital; Emeritus Professor Neurosurgery