Glascow Neuro-2022; YNSS: Hareesha Rishab Bharadwaj;

SUMMARY: The Authors describe the results of their retrospective clinical study from a rural Indian pediatric population treated for meningiomas neurosurgically. in the 26 children from 1-17 yrs of age studied "the ratio of males to females being 1.8:1. 23% of reported meningiomas occurred in the posterior fossa, 45% in the sphenoid and 21% in the tuberculum sellae."- Authors. Complete tumor excision was achieved in 70%. Atypical/Malignant types represented 16% of the group. Mortality was 11%. A rare study to find on this tumor in children, in study designed and completed by YNSS.  Nice presentation and Discussion-JIA

  • L
  • Likhith Alakandy, MBBS; FRCS;FRCSEd; FRCS(SN);MPhil.

    Consultant Neurosurgeon

  • A
  • Amy Davidson, Neurologist

    University of Glasgow

  • H
  • Hareesha Rishab Bharadwaj, YNSS

    University of Manchester