Glasgow Neuro-2022; YNSS; Mhairi Hunter; Periopertive pain management

The authors concluded from their study that "The post-operative analgesic management of the majority of patients in the INS follows current guideline recommendations. Where guidelines were not followed, this was most commonly due to co-prescription of weak and strong opioids and inaccuracies in pain score documentation. Regular re-education and emphasis on the importance of available guidance may reduce these errors. Earlier referrals to acute pain services will be beneficial in the management of complex patients." The discussion of periopertive pain management is informative for neurologists and neurosurgeons.-JIA

  • L
  • Likhith Alakandy, MBBS; FRCS;FRCSEd; FRCS(SN);MPhil.

    Consultant Neurosurgeon

  • A
  • Amy Davidson, Neurologist

    University of Glasgow

  • M
  • Mhairi Hunter, YNSS

    School of Medicine