Glasgow Neuro; YNSS; Muzuki Ueda; Drug selection for treatment of Alzheimers Disease

Authors Summary: "Neurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), named induce neurons (iNs) are recently being used to screen therapeutic candidates for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Kondo et al. screened a library of 1280 drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in America against AD patient-derived iNs and identified bromocriptine as having the most potent anti-Aβ effect for AD patients with mutations in the presenilin 1 (PSEN1) gene1. This study aimed to compare the effect of bromocriptine and four other Alzheimer’s disease-indicated drugs on iNs generated from AD patient-derived iPSCs using immunofluorescence staining."

  • L
  • Likhith Alakandy, MBBS; FRCS;FRCSEd; FRCS(SN);MPhil.

    Consultant Neurosurgeon

  • A
  • Amy Davidson, Neurologist

    University of Glasgow

  • E
  • Edith Middleton,


  • A
  • Attika Chaudhary,

    Vice President, Glasgow Neuro Society

  • M
  • Muzuki Ueda, YNSS; MB BS Stage 2

    Newcastle University upon Tyne, UK