Glasgow Neuro 2022-YNSS: Andrew Keenleyside; Sonodynamic Therapy

SUMMARY: Glioblastoma is the most common neural brain tumor; 30% are localized while 70% are infiltrative (Scherer, Brain; 1940); Surgical, Radiation, and Chemotherapy has produced some limited extended survivors for this lethal disease. "Sonodynamic therapy (SDT) for glioblastoma is a proposed, novel therapeutic option utilizing the activation of 5-ALA metabolites in the cell via focused ultrasound. This presentation describes the factors influencing in-vitro cell testing and observe the impacts of SDT in pilot 2D and 3D cell tests in this system."-Author  The goal is to produce tumor cell death. The effect on the infiltrative part of the tumor is not known for any therapy. Surgery and SDT only remove  those cells taking up 5-ALA. Lecture and Discussion; Excellent presentation and work-JIA

  • A
  • Andrew Keenlyside,

    School of Medicine, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK

  • L
  • Likhith Alakandy, MBBS; FRCS;FRCSEd; FRCS(SN);MPhil.

    Consultant Neurosurgeon

  • A
  • Amy Davidson, Neurologist

    University of Glasgow