Welcome to the 19th SNI and SNI Digital Baghdad Neurosurgery Online Meeting, held October 23, 2022. The introduction will be given by the meeting, originator, and coordinator, Summer House,
from the Universities of Baghdad and Cincinnati
The speaker will discuss an update on Iraqi neurosurgery research team dynamics.
The speaker is Mustafa Ismael, graduate of the University of Baghdad College of Medicine, Baghdad, Iraq. The lecture and discussion are 15 minutes
Let's go to that, because we are running late. I know it's late in Baghdad, but I think now we are getting to the last thought It's a. by the recently graduate, I consider him a resident now,
he's a most of his mind. I think he's holding much of the work, or especially research wise on his shoulder these days. And we are happy with his collaboration with everybody. And I think that's a
huge family spirit, as described by a most of our variety before And
yeah, I think his presentation is kind of a summary to the current work as well. And yeah, most of the stage is yours. So yeah, hi everyone, my name is Mustavas Meid. I'm a recent graduate of
University of Woodat, College of Medicine. In this talk, I will give you an update about the research dynamic within the hosement or ship. Yeah, so I will discuss the, what's the mainly in
general points, what the team structure is about the research and the display some numbers about the articles that are published or accepted or submitted, or those are under writing or reviewing
within internally within that
team And we will destroy this focus the point about the activities, especially within the last month, and we also give an example, like for example how to capture an idea and transform it to a
paper So yeah, the structure is mainly the leader, Dr. Hose, and the others are mainly all of us are medical students. So I am graduate and still within the medical students In terms of the
research, usually it is about vascular trauma and recently more interesting or more.
medical education and unique case observation, especially in the maybe in the oncology or other things other than the vascular and trauma. So these are the main themes of the research we are doing.
So how the project is distributed, which has started on them, especially first draft or
first part of the case reports, especially if this only the case description, maybe the whole article, it depends on the medical student level And they are mainly in the core team, which is about
20 students. Those are like high, have skills in research. So they start the draft and yeah, then we receive it. They send it to me. I will make it better. I review it. I comment on it. They,
and I will share with Dr. Host Then maybe a suggestion to change or to review or to add something. they will, it will be added to the team that wrote it. And especially for example, I'll call her
when with her team or playboard her team or hajor on her team. So those come back to us. And after that, after the, after make it the best possible way, we go to the journal. So this is the main
journey of the paper here within the team. So here I will just display for you some numbers of the mainly within the last six months and recently about the last month. So within the last six months,
we have a total work of
110 projects. So those are 75 mainly research projects papers and 35 book chapters. So at the last three months, 65 projects. How, what are the contents of them? like these are just some
examples at 20. reports, eight or 10, 12 reviewed. I mean, my review, it is still internally distributed. It's not yet made ready to be submitted. And from those are six accepted for submitted
and 10 reviews. Original articles, 12 of those numbers, editorial or letter to editor, and review articles Recently, we are more interested and there is an increased number of review articles
within the team.
I suspect this number will grow later in the future. And others, like we are starting a systematic review branch within the team. We are building this
skill of systematic review and meta-analysis. Also, another area like recently, especially when Dr. Ho's traveled, there was a sense in natural research within Dr. Ho's. So, all these are made
encapsulate the
the current work of the POS project, or the research team within Dr. Hosmentorship. So I will just display numbers in the last 20 days only. There's 15 submissions and the six are accepted until
now. And we are aiming to reach 30 by the end of the month. That's
the goal for the current situation So these are just a display for the numbers. Now I'll just give an example about how the
examples of the ideas converted to a paper. Like within the research team, how we usually do this process. Like this is from my perspective. I also referring back to the
16th meeting. I'm giving one example from one idea. Like I enjoyed by listening to
Professor Hosment talking about the neurosurgery.
of neurosurgery the next 100 year and the Dr. Osman mentioned the point of inflammation and inflammation especially within the aneurysm. So these are the current literature like as Dr. Osman
and I search literature there is this point. So I'm continuously at the same time I am what was watching like one
documentary about the psychedelics and and how they are coming back when they have been being forbidden like since since the 70s now they are coming back especially in the research area. So I search
like could be this for example and
recently this assignment would be a depression especially with patient
cancers, but does the
acyclists have another
qualities like, for example, anti-inflammatory. So, yeah, so they started to look as the the cyclists as an anti-inflammatory agent. So hold this idea like started with the professor Osmond
inflammation and brain aneurysm. And now we have like psychedelics as anti-inflammatory. So why we don't make it a paper and just suggest that maybe the psychedelics may be an excess step is an
anti-inflammatory process that may aid in the treatment of cerebral aneurysm. And this paper is made in the letter and it is accepted in the SNI, that's published. The other example is a more long
term process like in the 14th meeting
the team like we led of Dr. Hose about the
effectiveness of was that was the whole title of the survey, the effectiveness of SNI Baghdad meeting. So we presented that at the SNI at that time, it was in May, in this year, and we displayed
these numbers, and we talked about the numbers, and fortunately, like, through these months, and we started with the
writing of the manuscripts, and so many
professor Osman and the team in
the SNI also had their parts, and now it is published in the SNI. This is an example of
long-term process of an idea to convert it to a paper, and the first one was like a more and easy process, or short-term process. So
these are two examples, and yeah, for these all numbers, that's mainly what's going on within the research team, within Dr. Hose. So yeah, thank you very much, and I hope you enjoy.
Wonderful, with the Mustas, a wonderful outstanding. Thank you.
Mustafa, you do actually wanna work and we appreciate all the work you're doing with the editing and
you're highly motivated and we wanna recognize you and the others. And that's why we've SI digital and we wanna section for young neurosurgeons and students.
Samner knows about that, Hori knows about that. So you have a chance to communicate with others around the world about what people your own age are doing and have a chance to compare your experience.
I think you will find you are doing extremely well. So thank you, thank you very much for your work and for that summary Yeah, you're welcome. Thank you.
Thank you. Absolutely. Thank you. Thank you. Most of you. Thank you for your effort. And I think
it's a summary, as you say, it's not about, you know, it's not about Dr. Hos, it's about back there team or let's say it's our team. And I think it's beyond mentorship, it's more than a family.
And what I'm really proud of is that those are just the finished paper number. We have a huge number area to come. And of course, you are expanding and
Cather was writing a paper. Now, Cather is a team leader doing many research together, like four research at the same time Mahmoud is a new, so we have many new members and they are included and
integrated more and more. I think that's very good for the future. And yeah. Thank you for everyone for your efforts. And I think here I should say that we are all proud of you. It's more about
your story. It's more about your experience. And I think through your talk, Mustafa and all the other talk you are giving us the same idea that we think that we know but from your perspective And I
think that's very important for all to understand and to build on. And as Dr. Osman say that we are happy to help you because you have the potential, all of you. For me, I can finish
the program just let's listen to a few comments. Yeah, Kather
I want to talk more stuff about this. presentation. Actually, he's doing a huge effort and running the research process with Dr. Hose and his idea about the psychedelics is really innovative.
You're welcome. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah,
Good to see you all. I'm Jaffir Adrawahad, a fifth-stage medical student. I just want to say I'm proud of my friend.
Observing them, their development, it was a point of, let's say, inspiring to me.
Thank you. And I wish you the best always. And I want to thank Dr. Hose for his patience and time to provide such opportunities to the student to shine like this. Thank you and many thanks to the
SNI team as well. Thank you all.
Thank you, Jennifer. You're welcome. Yeah, I think the talk of your friends are really a guideline. I think each one of them doing the grade and all of us, like a young medical student, we will
put this as a guideline. We will go through those presentation and build our experience.
Yeah, thank you, Jennifer, I totally agree. Dr. Osman, Dr. Lazar, any final comment before ending the session.
No congratulations to all of them, really. I agree with Hori. And I especially to you, Senator, for inspiring these young people and allowing them to have hope and dreams and achieve them.
Absolutely. Thank you, thank you, professors, for your time. I think the very interesting point They have now, I can say, a little bit mature experience. It's not just experience of young
people. I like this topic, and that's it. No, with the time they are building more and more. And I think they represent the future of their countries, and that I'm happy to be part of their
journey So,
we are a little bit late by one hour, but -
Very pretty.
Yeah, thank you,
Professor Osman, for your time. Thank you, Professor Lazar, for your time. Thank you all, I thank you. Thank you, thank you for your time. Thank you, Dr. Mohan for being here. Till now,
and thank you, those who attend, who present, and see you later in the next meeting. Thank you. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye bye. Bye.
We hope you enjoy these presentations.
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This program has been supported by the James I. and Carolyn R. Osmond Educational Foundation owner of SI. and SNI Digital, and the Waymaster Corporation. Producers of the Leading Gen television
series, Silent Majority Speaks and Role Models, and the New Medical News Network.
Thank you