Fetal Neurosurgery; Myelomeningocoele Repair; Dr. Samer Elbabaa

SUMMARY: Dr. Samer Elbabaa, explains the development of Fetal Neurosurgery for the repair of Myelomeningocoele. In the past, myelomeningocoeles were seen and repaired after birth and were associated with hydrocephalus, spinal cord neurological impairments, and multiple shunting procedures, and other system deficits with prolonged morbidity. With dietary Folate supplementation in nutritionally deficient mothers and populations the disease incidence has declined.  100 years later, fetal neurosurgery has reduced the need for shunting and led to cognitive improvement of 50% with better outcomes. In selected centers around the world teams of specialists, led by neurosurgeons, have developed the means of intrauterine repair with amazing results. Dr. Elbabaa describes in detail how his team manages these cases.  As we progress to 2100 the intrauterine surgery will become more widespread, while work on the genetic defect causing this disease will become prominent leading to the eradication of this disease and widespread Folate supplementation will further decrease the incidence of this disease.  Interactive discussion with Dr. Ausman. Complete coverage of this topic. Everything you want to know.  How to form your own multidisciplinary team to treat this disease.  60 Minutes  (JIA)

  • Samer Elbabaa, MD

    Chief of Pediatric Neurosurgery; Head of Orlando Neuroscience Institute