SNI Digital, Innovations and Learning, a 3D live video journal,
which is now offering podcasts on Amazon and Spotify with Apple in process, look for SNI Digital,
in association with SNI, Surgical Neurology International, a 2D internet journal,
is introducing a new SNI Digital Investigative Series entitledDr. Blylop Reports, presenting facts about medically related controversies of today. A second topic of Dr. Blylop's reports is
monkeypox. Is it a threat to humans?
Dr. Blylop's the CEO of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, An associate editor in Chief of Neuro Inflammation section of Sai and This and I Digital he's a certified clinical nutritionist usually the
creator and editor of the Blaylock Wellness Report and the author of multiple books scientific papers he's a health commentator on Radio TV and in the epoch times
is there some of the books which actually play lacks is published are available on Amazon Dot com on the literature national Strategies for cancer patients after Blair locks prescriptions for natural
health excited or toxins in a book on the China virus what is the truth co -authored with Dr Osman
this is Blaylock Wellness report which he's produced monthly as a nutritional newsletter for over twenty years you'd like to subscribe to it, you can visit the website wellnessreportnewsmaxcom.
Again, this is
another session with Dr. Blalock reports. He's a neurosurgeon. He's also extremely well-known nutritionist. He's published a newsletter, a
medical newsletter
for over 20 years that is widely read throughout the country and internationally. He's an expert in the subject. And today we're talking about another subject that is become common to the public and
it's monkeypox.
What is monkeypox, Russell? And now we see, this is another subject that's being elevated to, it has both biological aspects, which you're gonna tell us about.
part of it has been morphed into the political aspects, which are basically, if you wanna call, male information, which you talked about, are really providing disinformation to the public. So
tell us a little bit about
monkey packs, and there's gonna be the same underlying theme in this, and we're gonna get to a microwave radiation There are other entities out there that have evil intents that are trying to harm
people, and
that's basically what's going on. Doesn't mean that everything is wrong, but it does say, let's get the facts, that's what Russell's gonna give us, and then you gotta be aware of what's happening,
so you're not an innocent victim. Okay, Russell, what's a monkey box? Well, monkey boxes and other virus, It was first identified in the Congo. the public or Congo, and they declared it an
emergency, the World Health Organization. It's an infection to worry about contaminating the world. It was more deadly among children.
But what they didn't tell you is a couple of very important things. There's number one in males, in adult males, it was mainly transmitted among homosexual They developed anal infections and oral
infections, and they were the ones that would die.
Everyone else did not die. It's a very mild disease. And what happened in Africa was starvation. People started eating monkeys. Well, this is a virus indigenous to monkeys. And so they began to
get monkeypox while for the ordinary person called a fairly mild disease Problem with the children is just what I said with measles. They're poor hygiene and they're infected with parasites. And so
their immune system is very poorly functional. And because of the immune deficiency, they become very sick and die from monkey plough. It's not transmissible by air. And so it was once again,
they tried to scare the world with monkey plough, just like they did with Ebola And it went nowhere. It was just a complete failure. So once that got out, how it was spread, and what they found
is these children were usually with sex workers, and that the blankets and sheets and beds were infected, and the children were catching it from the full minds, from hard objects, from objects.
They weren't getting from the air And so we see that. That's not applicable to the United States or Europe of the rest of the world. These things are not major problems. And this is not a pandemic
disease. So once that got out, once the information was spread, they dropped it. And they don't talk much about monkeypox anymore. They decided they would switch to bird flu. And we found out
they were genetically engineered or bird flu to
try to get it to spread, 'cause it couldn't get it to spread otherwise. And so
that's the main thing about monkeypox. And I remember when Ebola came out and they talked about it coming to the United States, I was interviewed by reporters who were all excited about it. And I
said, this is not gonna be anything to get about it. Well, it disappointed them, they didn't like that And they said, Well, you're the only one saying that. And I said, Well, just wait and
see, it's gonna be nothing. And it turned out to be nothing.
So, you know, you've got to calm down, don't panic, don't feel yourself with fear because, you know, the military knows if you're fearful, you don't think.
And that's what Navy SEALs and Special Forces do is they learn how to think under an intense condition, not let fear overtake them. Let me ask you a couple of more questions about the biology, the
disease, and we'll get into this some more. Okay, it's found mostly with males, male, sexual conduct. It can be found in a pregnant mother, I understand, from what I've read, and it can be
transmissible. Those things are correct. In that particular environment, is that true? Right.
transmissible by contact that form blisters on the skin. Oh, okay. Touch those blisters, it's contagious. Good point. It's not contagious by aerosol, so the pregnant women don't get it by
aerosol. They get it by touching the skin of an infected person who has these blisters. And that gets to the bedclothes and other things you were talking about in a highly infected environment And
so the other factor here that you mentioned is it's in Africa and the Democrat Republic of Congo. If you take Africa from top to bottom and you kind of put your finger on the middle, that's where
that is. And they had a lot of people that came down with us. And one of the reasons was that the people there were malnourished had immune systems which were not protective. and therefore it
spreads in populations with immune systems that are not working effectively. Is that correct? Yes, that's why the children in fact, that if they have several parasitic diseases, it inhibits the
immune system. And that's why - Because their immune system. It's children because their immune system just hasn't been developed as much. So it's mainly reported in children or in their sexual
contact So, and is
it, what is the treatment there? This gets back into the issue you were talking about because from what I read, I think people are trying to develop some vaccines and think for this. What do you,
how do you treat this disease? This is in Africa, it's not California, it's not Europe, it's not in America. We've defined a population that can get it. What are they doing to treat it?
Well, the treatments are fairly simple You just use immune stimulant. Like Beta Glucan or are they a lot of the fungi which are known to stimulate the sailor immunity which kills the barge and
certain vitamins for instance like I said measles is deadly in Africa but they found if they gave the African children vitamin a they had the same mortality as Americans which was almost nothing and
if they gave him zinc there was almost no mortality from the infection so it's just simple things or you give vitamins to boost their immune system back up cause we know that even a single deficiency
can cause immune function to fail so that's a key point and then and besides that I'm reading here in the New England Journal of Medicine that a series of articles on this and they're into producing
it gets back to what you were saying vaccines for this And again, if you read the article, it's very alarmistic. So are we into the same kind of issue here? Well, it's the same answer they always
come up with every infection of the vaccine. And so the person who knows about vaccine and immune system says, what good does it do to vaccinate people who are immune deficient? Well, they're more
likely to develop an autoimmune disease because their immune system does not act properly. Well, you don't take cancer patients who have almost no immunity and give them a vaccine because you'll
give them the disease. If it's a live virus vaccine, you'll give them the disease. If they tell them to be careful with vaccines that are live viruses like measles, mumps, and revolver.
And so it's ludicrous to say where the number one treatment is a vaccine. You know, who's putting that propaganda out is the vaccine makers and it's showing people like Soros is an agent for the
vaccine makers. So, there's there's there's a financial link between the people saying that
For example, Harvard of public health, they received millions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies. And so do these other people promoting vaccines. These public health institutes CDC they
receiving huge amounts of money from the pharmaceutical companies to say that they know better
So we have a disease here that that's basically appears in the skin, not like you mentioned with measles or something like that And, and it can be an immune suppressed person it can become very
serious and virulent. And, and. In these are people who are nutritionally deficient which means their immune systems are incompetent or do not working and the treatment for it is to improve the
nutrition and give them the things that you're talking about vitamin A's are protected and the air rather than the Vaccine but there's a whole section here in the New England Journal is talking about
ah how he had a vaccine and the world health organizations behind it and in all the rest same story
world health organization receiving huge amounts of money from him gone and they're making lots of money off of selling vaccine so they don't want these nutritional answers that are simple that people
can do it inexpensively and protect them so it's just like my parents never had the flu out the whole time i grew up I never knew them but having the flu and then I started doing new things I didn't
get flu either. And yet you'd see these people all day were sick for a month. I had fellow doctors who told me they were sick for a total month from the flu, couldn't get over. And I correct their
immune system and they get over. And now we get into the, what are some of the very bad or evil aspects of this and the World Health Organization has just conducted a
program or plan that they wanted all the countries in the world to adopt, which essentially would empower the World Health Organization to declare when there is a pandemic or national or emergency.
And correct me if I'm wrong, you have to comply with what they advise you to do. And that means that they have taken over the health system of your country Is that correct? Well, not only that.
But if your state decides, no, we're not gonna do it. They're forced to do it.
So they take over the authority of states that all states lose their sovereignty. United States loses sovereignty. Europe loses its sovereignty. All because now they all sign this treaty with the
World Health Organization, which has been shown to be corrupt from time to bottom to say, I will buy a law, do everything they recommend This is what kills so many people from COVID. The CDC set
the treatment in every hospital, not just in the United States, but the world. And according to the law, the CDC cannot mandate anything. It cannot mandate a treatment in every hospital followed
it. And this is what we're seeing. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has studied the subject for, and he's a lawyer, and he's written a book and I know about that. and it was it was called Fallaci what you
need to know and and they tried to restrict it from being published it was number one bookseller on the on the New York Times list and he is probably one of the most I Dunno What You're thinking as
but it was an extremely well documented detailed research documentation of what is behind all of these efforts and leading to what a you're hearing you heard in the political campaigns that Trump is
going to probably dissociate the United States from the World Health Organization because we do not want our health dominated and dictated by this UN organization is that correct is exactly correct
this is what we don't want to give up our sovereignty to the Crook United Nations who we know are getting money from the pharmaceutical companies make your decisions and other major pharmaceutical
companies to make their decision we're not going to give up our sovereignty and say well you have to take their medication if you go to a hospital you have to follow their protocol I don't care if if
if fifty percent or more of people are dying from their protocol and there's a simple answer like ivermectin you've got to do it that's that's what killed most of the people that died from coven they
were following the CDC protocol which was a corrupt organization that we know that all of those people are being replaced now we know that the information transmitted was not correct everybody knew
that the social distancing failed the masks failed and a variety of things that they were dictating isolation and so forth basically were of no value when there were no meaning only the only thing
that it is destroyed the public and destroyed the economy and killed a lot of people. Yes. I mean, if you look at respirators, they insisted that the people who complained of shortened breath
needed to be on respirators. There was an 80 to 90 percent mortality. And you had pulmonary, especially saying they're being killed by the respirators, not the virus. And other physicians refused
to do it and just gave them oxygen, no respirator. They had a very high survival and no complications. And they were removed from the hospital. So we're going to get into this subject some more
because Fabian Dorel wrote a paper for your SNI,
which you know, within the past year, about what's going on in the pharmaceutical company, companies, and how that's dangerous to your health. That was the title of his article. and this is
going to be a theme over time that there were going to get to and that is what is the truth is the public being told the truth and the answer is and people I think may have reflected that in this past
election the answer is no or not not about the economy not about the immigration not about all the other things that are going on and it didn't happen in the health industry either which is why they
chose Robert Kennedy to take the position so what we've talked about is a bird flu which is a extremely non lethal localized disease which has been declared by the Governor of California to be an
emergency which it's not and now we're talking about another disease which is Monkey Pox which is confined to malnourished sections of Africa with people with repressed immune systems that's basically
transmitted sexually. It's not in the air. And it's basically not applicable either.
And they're being made into issues
that are more emotionally correct than the facts that you presented to the viewers That's correct? That's correct. Okay, thank you very much.
Russell for giving us this information.
These are the key references to this presentation. Be prepared to take screenshots for your records. These are the references on monkeypox.
and Dr paper back to play likes of wellness report on Monkey Pox another round of Hysteria
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