SNI Digital, Innovations and Learning, a 3D live video journal,
which is now offering podcasts on Amazon and Spotify with Apple in process, look for SNI Digital,
in association with SNI, Surgical Neurology International, a 2D internet journal,
is introducing a new SNI Digital Investigative Series entitledDr. Blylock Reports, presenting facts about medically related controversies of today.
The first topic of Dr. Blylock reports is bird flu, a danger to your health.
Dr. Blylock's the CEO of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, the Associate Editor-in-Chief of Neural Information Section
of SI, and of SI Digital. He's a certified clinical nutritionist, he's the creator and editor of the Blayknock Wellness Report, and the author of multiple books, Scientific Papers. He's
a health commentator on radio TV and in the epic times.
Is there some of the books which Dr. Blaylox has published? They're available on amazoncom, on the liver cure, natural strategies for cancer patients, Dr. Blaylox prescriptions for natural
health, excitotoxins,
in a book on the China virus, What is the Truth? Coauthored with Dr. Ausman.
This is his Blaylock Wellness Report, which he's produced monthly as a nutritional newsletter for over 20 years. If you'd like to subscribe to it, you can visit the website wellnessreportnewsmaxcom.
I think the
first time we want to talk about here is bird flu. Now I can tell you having been a recent escapee from California and the tyranny in the government there, one of the things that's come up is bird
flu And bird flu is Gavin Newson and he's a governor declared a state of emergency about this disease. So this is not
an unrecognized topic. Some governor has already said this is a health emergency. So can you start out telling us a little bit of what is bird flu? Is it dangerous and so forth?
Well, there's really two bird flu There's the natural bird flu. which had a kind of reputation as a bad form of flu, did not spread particularly by aerosol and
is very difficult to spread. Most animals that they use for studies are the spread of these diseases. It's done on either a mink or a ferret. And if it won't spread or it's difficult to spread when
you have them all crowded together in a cage, they say, well, it's a highly lethal virus, but it's very difficult to spread. And this was sort of the H5N1, which was the bird flu. And so they
had the problem where you can't spread it very well. And kind of an introduction to this is what these people want to do the
elite Bill Gates and the World Health Organization, the EU. is they're using these pandemics to instill fear, to carry out various problems. And this is the regimentation of the population and
depopulation. They depopulate a certain number of people and the rest of the people they wanna control. And you can sort of see this in the future as they created a new term, misinformation and
disinformation wasn't really getting much response from the public because they began to see that what was being labeled as misinformation, disinformation turned out to be true. And the people who
were telling these things were world experts in virology and epidemiology and medicine. So they changed the term and it was in the UN, the United Nations. They created a term called mild
information and a very interesting term because. What it means, well, what you're saying is right, but it makes you not trust us.
And as I tell people, that should scare you to death is that they're saying, well, what you're saying is true and we're lying to you, but if you don't accept the lie, you won't trust us and do
what we say. For instance, with the mask and with social distancing and the computer models always turned out wrong and harmful And later studies, which were extremely well done, showed that the
mask was very harmful. It showed the social distancing had been totally made up. They admitted that themselves, that there was no studies on social distancing, they just made it up.
Now, what we're learning since then is then they tried Zika virus and they tried to really terrify particularly mothers to say, well if you're getting infected with Zika virus, There's a high
incidence of
the formation of the brain is not formed. Anno encephalopathy and
encephalopathy. And so they put that story out. Well, the studies, and I wrote a newsletter on it, showed that these two communities, where it was first described, one had a high encephalopathy
and the other didn't, yet most of the infections were in the one that didn't. And then they found out, well, they had just started a program of spraying insecticides in the cisterns water that
people used to drink in the area that had the
encephalopathy. Then they looked at countries in which the incidence of Zika infection was 100.
there was no increase in anencephaly at all. And so they began to look at more communities and they found out, well, the whole thing had been made up to scare people, but before they finished with
it, they were spraying cities with insensitivity from airplane. Well, we know that the number one cause of Parkinson's disease, the exposure to pesticides and earth insecticide And so that failed
and never went anywhere because it was exposed. And the next one they tried was the COVID. And it was more successful. They scared people to wearing masks. They mandated the masks. They mandated
it for children. They had social distancing in every store or they wouldn't let you in the store without a mask on. And then they tried to mandate the vaccine, which they couldn't So they tried to
trick the public. And the people who worked for the COVID safety study, one of the companies that was hired to do the safety study and the woman who was in charge was a whistleblower and she said,
It was totally fake. And when I told them that they were not following a protocol, they fired me. And so what we've learned about the COVID incidence is that it was a high degree of manipulation,
disinformation, lies, and trying to control the public. Well, it just didn't really work well. And so now they're gonna try either monkeypox or bird flu.
And what we found with the COVID-19 was that actually it was fairly benign and it wasn't any worse than an ordinary seasonal flu.
But with this bird flu, they said, Well, we got a 60 mortality rate. And so people that catch this are gonna die. Well, the results have looked at that and said, Well, it's not near that high.
You're inflating just like they did with the COVID-19. And in fact, most of the people that die are very frail have several comorbid diseases, and they're elderly. Young, healthy people are not
dying. And it's pretty mild in people outside of those categories So once again, it's a massive global
disinformation campaign to terrify the public, put back on the mask. We have a vaccine ready. We want all of you vaccinated.
And they're gonna have where you can't fly, you can't go in stores, you can't do it unless you've been vaccinated. And all the children where you can't go to public school unless you've been
And so when we started looking at the particulars of bird flu, we found out, well, you couldn't get it to spit it out to mammals. And it was engineered, just like the COVID virus was genetically
engineered, gain a function. So Robert Malone, who's an expert virology, and McCalla looked at it and said, there's no question, the virus that is being released has been engineered. It's gain
a function. And then we have a paper written by the Chinese, which they tried to combine H1N1, which is easily spread, but pretty mild, with H5N1, which is more deadly, but hard to spread.
They tried to amend the two to make it a highly contagious, more fatal disease There we have the same. Events going on with the bird flu that we had with the COVID virus is that number one there.
This is a highly manipulated virus. And they said it was manipulated in Athens, Georgia at the USDA poultry laboratory in conjunction independently with a laboratory in the Netherlands in which they
manipulated as well And that was at the Erasmus laboratory. The Chinese were time to manipulate it And none of this manipulation of the virus was allowed according to the, to the change in the
government, these bowel weapons cannot be made, these gain of function cannot be made. And so Obama made a deal where you couldn't do it in the United States, but you could do it in other
countries And so in the Ukraine they have 30 different bioweapons labs that the United States Department of Defense uses to make these deadly weapons, the deadly viruses, and that are more
contagious. And so they engineered it, so we go to mammals. So herds of cattle, I think, something like 60 different herds have been infected with the virus, hoping to spread it Well, they
still didn't make it spread by aerosol. So people were not getting it through human contact, and they couldn't get it to spread to humans. So they continued their gain function, trying to make it
spread to humans. Exactly what was done with COVID-19. We knew that
COVID that was prior to that was deadly, but it was extremely difficult to transmit There's no aerosol transmission, and there's very few deaths worldwide. and it did not cause a pandemic. So they
engineered it so that it would spread, but it's still not deadly. So they changed the definition of the death, they control the death certificates, so they could say people died of this virus,
COVID-19, when in fact they died of the comorbid disease or the treatment that was imposed upon them by the CDC and the government
They did not die of COVID-19, and the ones that died with COVID-19, the treatment itself caused their demise. Now, that's all documented, and this is what they're planning with the bird flu. So
we need to be prepared and having learned recently from the COVID-19 nonsense, 'cause it wasn't a pandemic, didn't reach the criteria of a pandemic, And yet they treated it as a pandemic,
terrified the public into doing these things and to turn on each other. Do you remember in the Soviet Union, when the Soviet Union fell, they said, well, why haven't all these people who were
working for the government, the civilians that were working for the KGB, why weren't they rounded up and brought before trial? And so one of the Soviet dissidents said, well, the answer is that's
very simple Almost everybody in the Soviet Union was a spy and turned in their neighbors. So it wouldn't be body left, it wouldn't be in the convicted. Well, that's exactly what happened during
the COVID-19. Well, if you come in the store not wearing a mask, they all got to get in through the other store. If your neighbor wasn't getting vaccinated, they would even painting stuff on
their houses. That this neighbor was seen outside, this neighbor's not wearing their mask. And so they turned people against each other. all based on fear and disinformation and a grand lie. I
think just in the recent
candidate for Vice President Walts from Minnesota, I think he was accused of turning neighbors against each other in regard to reporting
whether they were in compliance or not with some of these regular COVID regulations. Is that correct? Right, that's right So basically what you're saying is
real-life implications. These aren't made up, and I'm reading about this, and it says that it can occur in dairy farms. And so in California,
they've tested them, and they found, again, you can get back into this, the testing, that at least involve 650 herds of animals dairy farms. But I think as you just said correctly, not a single
person until recently, I think it just was in the past week or two, a man from Louisiana
died, but he was a farmer who had worked with people who had had this, or with animals that had this, and it was, had a very high exposure, had comorbidities just like you talked about, other
illnesses, and he's the only death that's been reported in the country Is that correct? That's correct, and he was 65 years old. 65 years. He had several comorbid diseases, and we don't know
that the treatment is not the thing that college system is, and that they refused to treat his comorbid diseases, concentrating on other things. So we had the same thing with this case in Louisiana,
that we had with COVID. So anyway, the question that the viewers are gonna wanna know, Is this something they have to worry about? It looks like it's transmissibility is extremely low. You have
to be in a farm. And even if you got it, it's probably not gonna be harmful unless you have all the diseases in your immune system is compromised, is that correct? That's right, no matter what
your age. So if you're 80 years old, but you have a good immune system, you're not gonna get that ill. In fact, they found that people would get an immune system, it's fairly mild. It's not
really that serious of a disease. And if there's 50 to 60 mortality is highly amplified, it's not found to be true. And so the question is, here's a state that is now calls it a state emergency.
They find the virus in a number of herds in California, It's. It has not caused a death except in one person in Louisiana who had other causes to die also. And this is a national emergency in
California. It makes no sense. It makes no sense at all, but it's all about fear, which rather than call fear points. Just to scare people into thinking, Well, it's the end of the world. And
so you've got to do everything we say and you've got to make your neighbors do everything we say, or you're all gonna die. And to see if the World Health Organization has declared a disease of
concern, not a pandemic, but disease of concern, because of central Congo and Africa. Well, that's where it was first identified in humans in 1970 And only about 346
people died. Well, the African population is completely different from the rest of the world because loads of people have poor hygiene, poor nutrition, and they have parasitic infections,
numerous parasitic infections, which brings the mortality up very high. For instance, if you look at measles in the United States, the death rate is far less than 1. If you look at it in Africa,
it's 50 to 20 because of these co-morbid diseases. And they found just by degree, simple nutritional replacement, the mortality failed drastically in Africa. So, no, I think that's good. So
then the question, the average person who's gonna look at this or the patient who comes into the office of the neurosurgeon and says I'm worried about bird flu is, and I've been, I've obviously
been told It's something serious. Is there anything they should do? What should they do? They just ignore it at this point, or they obviously
don't go on farms where there's animals that have been infected and are dying. I mean, what would you recommend? Well, the first thing, if you're around poultry or cattle, it's not spread
between the animals by aerosol. It's spread by their feces And so the first thing, if you see a sick bird or you see a dead bird, don't pick it up, don't touch it. And you should wash your hand,
you should use good hygiene.
If you use good hygiene immediately, it's not spread by aerosol, so you're not likely to contract with it.
The second thing is make sure your immune system and nutrition is the top function And we find that people that have top function of their immune system by using simple supplements. They don't get
colds, or if they get them, they're not very serious. They don't get the flu. If they get the flu, it's not very serious, but then a day or two, it's over.
But they're not telling people that. No, you need to go to the hospital, you need to take these medications, they didn't do anything to repair the immune system, they didn't do anything
nutritionally. And yet, we know of all these things that stimulate the immune system I have a patient right now that's in Europe who has lung cancer and develop pneumonia. And they were doing
everything, trying to cure some pneumonia and it was just getting worse. And so I told the family, we'll start using these immune stimulants, you'll make the antibiotic work, well, he's
So it was in days. So the bottom line here in terms of, and we have a population of 40 million people in California, which has now declared this an emergency. is bird flu and the answer
is the risk to the average person is about as close to zero as you can get. If you're ill and you're in a farm or there's maybe dead animals or dead birds then you have to take what are normal
sanitary precautions, obviously probably tell the authorities. But anyway, the bottom line to what you're saying is bird flu is poorly transmissible. It's not transmissible by aerosols in any way,
which means in the
air it's transmissible by feces and fecal transmission that you usually found in farms and you should be able to identify but the average person shouldn't worry about. Is that basically it? That's
right. And so, you know, if you use good hygiene, you use good nutrition. Don't worry about choracellus very much.
These are the key references to this presentation. Be prepared to take screenshots for your records.
These are the references on bird flow
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Foundation supporting these programs also supports the two journals. Surgical Neurology International is a 2D internet journal. Nancy Epstein is its editor-in-chief. Its web address is SIglobal SI
digital innovations in
learning is a 3D video journal, interactive with discussion, and the web address is SIdigitalorg.
Both of these publications are free 247365 on the internet
Modernology International has been published for 15 years and has read in 239 countries and territories around the world. the third largest nerd's surgery journal in readership.
SI digital innovations in learning is viewed in 145 countries in the past 11 months since its publication, and it's the first video journal of neurosurgery.
The goal of the foundation is to help people
Remember, SNI is an offering podcast on Amazon and Spotify with soon to be an ample look for SNI digital.
Foundation also has a medical news network devoted to bringing truthful medical and science news to the world.
This is copyrighted in 2025 This is copyrighted in 2025 by the James I. and Carolyn are also an educational foundation. All rights are reserved. Contact James Ospon and Maccount for more
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