Avoiding Malpractice Claims; Nancy Epstein, MD; Cervical Spine;

SUMMARY: Dr. Nancy Epstein adds a 15th lecture to her Spine Series Controversies talks. This is in two parts; Avoiding Malpractice Claims: Cervical Spine Surgery. followed in a second program on Lumbar Spine Malpractice cases. These talks are limited to case presentations involving real cases with extremely bad complications leading to malpractice suits. All six cases were settled out of court.  They included Epidural Spine Injection (ESI) leading to death with warnings about this procedure, required  by Medicare. Also cases of  Quadriplegia after ACD with surgeon taking bite out of spinal cord; quadriplegia after ACD with surgeon plunging a spacer into cord;  quadriplegia after wrong multilevel ACD for Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal  Ligament; quadriplegia with mismanaged CSF Leak; She describes how to avoid all of these complications. These cases lead to terrible life changes. What would you do as the surgeon in these cases or as the patent's family?  Listen and decide.  (51 min). (JIA)

  • James I. Ausman, MD, MA, PhD

    CEO SNI and SNI Digital; Emeritus Professor Neurosurgery

  • Giuseppe Barbagallo, MD

    Professor Chairman Neurosurgery , Policlinico "G. Rodolico - San Marco" Univ Hospita Catania Sicily, Italy

  • Nancy Epstein, MD

    Chief, Neurosurgical Spine and Education, Winthrop Univesrity Hospital Mineola , New York, USA