Microwave Radiation; Dangers; CNS damage; Mind Control;

SUMMARY: Dr. Fabien Deurelle, a researcher from France, is interviewed about his SNI paper and research, bringing attention to the dangers of Microwave Radiation (MWR) used in cell phones, WiFi, MWR Towers, Microwave ovens other areas of life experienced world wide. MWR technology was introduced 100 years ago. Research was done in Russia in the 1950's showing that it can damage the CNS of animals, and then appeared to be the cause of Illness in personnel in Embassies around the world leading to disabling CNS symptoms. Labelled the "Havana Syndrome" from its effects on US personnel in Cuba, research continues on the use of MWR  for military application in warfare, and in the telecommunications industry. CNS damage at the molecular level can occur with the  2G-6G increasing frequencies. Brain tumors related to its effects have been reported, as DNA changes are known. Memory defects  occur related to damage to the temporal lobes located adjacent to the ears. However the world public has not been informed of the dangers of its use. Along with Dr. Russell Blaylock,  who has also published about MWR, these scientists indicate that more damage can occur with new Pulsed MWR at the higher frequencies of 5G and 6G compared to the continuous wave frequencies now used.  Graphene, is a highly conductive single layer of Carbon atoms arranged in a lattice structure  that is stronger than steel and highly conductive. It has been reported as a component of Covid vaccines which then spreads to other organs and has the potential to be activated by MWR. Yet there is no known medical benefit to Graphene. Micro-aluminum particles in the atmosphere and environment  and in vaccines serves as another conductive metal also in vaccines as Dr. Blaylock reports. The public is unaware of the potential dangers of MWR and needs to be informed. MWR is far more damaging to children than adults as Dr. Blaylok reports.   This interview is translated from French to English by Dr. Seyed Ali Khonsary to allow the viewers to see his comments  directly. Some French portions of Dr Deruelle's interview are omitted for the viewers ease of understanding.   Other information from Dr. Blaylock is included to provide independent support of Dr.Deruelle's work.   Time 1 hour.  (JIA) 

  • James I. Ausman, MD, MA, PhD

    CEO SNI and SNI Digital; Emeritus Professor Neurosurgery

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  • Seyed Ali Khonsary, MD

    Neurosurgeon with International training, research and service in Iran, France, Sweden, USA; General neurosurgery; Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery; Expert in Neuroscience

  • F
  • Fabien Deruelle, PhD

    Independent Researcher