Cauda Equina Syndromes; Failure to Diagnose and Treat

SUMMARY: Dr. Nancy Epstein discusses the major mistake made in Cauda Equina Syndromes which is early diagnosis and treatment. It is a major cause of lawsuits in the USA. In other countries with limited understanding of the disease in the public and with non- neurosurgical medical personnel, this problem is a major cause of disability as they arrive too late for relief by neurosurgical management. She discusses the anatomy, clinical presentation of partial and total cauda equina syndromes, imaging characteristics, how to diagnose without CT or MR with same intrathecal injection of contrast with a one shot image to establish the diagnosis. Excellent cases and Discussion. See Part II on SubSaharan Grand Rounds  video to see Conus and Cauda Equina tumors with actual case presentations.  70 minutes (JIA)

  • Nancy Epstein, MD

    Chief, Neurosurgical Spine and Education, Winthrop Univesrity Hospital Mineola , New York, USA