Mitch Berger, MD.; Interview Neuroscience Expert; Neuro-oncology, Brain Mapping; Gross total surgical resection; New Advances in resection; Career and Life advice

SUMMARY:  Interview with Mitch Berger, MD Head of UCSF Brain Tumor Center; History of treatment in 50 years; Modern Treatment; Reasons to maximize resection, with low morbidity; Brain Mapping; New advances in aiding extra resection in tumor margin; Adapting technology to LMIC and Low Resource settings with new low cost technology; "Game Changing" precision molecular therapy emerging; How this will change future of Neuro-oncology; Multidisciplinary team approaches in research and medicine; Future of Neurosurgery; Reasons to enter neurosurgery; Career & Life advice on Success. Goals of a Neurosurgeon.  56 min interview;  Excellent Role Model;  (JIA)

  • M
  • Mitch Berger, MD

    Head UCSF Brain Tumor Center; Former Chariman Neurosurgery, UCSF