Pediatric Neuro-Critical Care: Improvements in Survivals

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SUMMARY:  Dr. Soto, Head  of Pediatric Neuro-Critical Care at UCLA Mattel Children's hospital, describes how modern Critical care has improved the survival pediatric patients to 95% from 5%. "Neurological outcome has the largest impact on the quality of life". Common diagnoses in PICUs are TBI, Status Epilepticus, Stroke, Neuroendocrine disorders (fluid and electrolyte disorders), Brain Tumors, Hepatic Encephalopathy, Infections, and Neuromuscular disease. In those with Strokes 24% have arteriopathy; 23%, infection; 12%,cardiac disease; and 3%, sickle cell disease. TBI kills more children than any other cause. Disability in Survivors of TBI have morbidity which is 4 times the mortality rate. Progress on controlling the secondary metabolic insults from TBI is being made. High ICP, Hyperventilation, Hypocapnia, and Hypoxia, all will increase mortality. Use of Hypothermia results: generally not helpful. PICU care can improve outcomes. 30% of PICU patients are from OR.  Very good review of subject that is not well known. (111 Minutes) (JIA)

  • Jose A. Pineda Soto, MD, MS

    Director of Pediatric Neuro-Critical Care; Department of Pediatics; Clinical Professor