Sub-Saharan Africa International Neurosurgery Grand Rounds; Professors Mwang'wombe (Kenya) and Epstein (USA)

SUMMARY: Sub-Saharan African International Neurosurgery Grand Rounds; Professors N. Mwang'ombe (Kenya) presents two interesting cases of penetrating injuries of the skull and brain. He and the International audience comment on how these cases are treated in different places around the world. Questions & Answers from the global audience  cover the spectrum of  challenges faced by neurosurgeons in this on this topic. Should the Projectile or Bullet be removed; How?; leaving the bullet; removing the bullet with Neuro-navigation and ultra-sound guided surgery; What tests are needed before surgery?; time, cost, geographical location, location in brain or spinal canal, age of patient; compromising circumstances; antibiotics; and needs for drainage and more are discussed.  (JIA) 

Dr. Epstein follows with a review of the disc lesions in the lumbar spine and their clinical presentations; and the prevention and management of CSF leaks. 100 minutes all with Discussion.  (JIA)   

  • Nancy Epstein, MD

    Chief, Neurosurgical Spine and Education, Winthrop Univesrity Hospital Mineola , New York, USA