Hello, I'm Jim Ousman, the creator of SI Digital, the new video journal of neurosurgery and neuroscience.
SI Digital is now read and seen in 80 countries around the world, and I want to tell you how to get the most out of SI Digital and its new upgrades so that it can be beneficial to you The web address
is snidigitalorg.
This is the home page of SI Digital. Before we go further, I'd like to draw your attention to this item up here at the top of the page on the right called Select Language. So before you start, I'd
like you to pick the language that you would like the program to be translated into so you can enjoy it I'm going to pick French, for example. And when I pick French, you see all the entries and
all the videos here are in French. Even the transcription of the video turns out to be in French. We'll come back to that later.
So, and now if I wanna choose a video that goes on the screen here, I click on the video,
And it will become on the screen here. I'm going to start the video. Remember, I've chosen French and you will see that the transcription and closed captioning is in
French. So not only will you get all the text on the website in French, all the content in French are the language of your choice, it'll be closed captioned also in the language of your choice I'm
going to click on this X which will bring us back to English on the home page. I want you to click on announcements and the announcement will show the latest video which will be an update on what's
going on with SI Digital. We showed following down the new additions to the website, they're all highlighted in blue and if you click on that it will take you immediately to each one of those
selections We've listed it after the amount of time. or both a lecture of discussion for all these additions. Below that are new upgrades for SI digital, which you can read on the list. You either
go down, you either click on announcements to click it off, or you click on the X and it will go away. And you're here, you can see on this program, on each program we have here, there is a
summary. It's like an abstract, it's a summary of what's in the program So you can look at it and decide if you want to go further and hear the whole video, or if you're satisfied with what you've
read. Next to this is an item called rate this. This is a viewer rating system. And at the end of the video, you come back and you can rate the video from one to five. And that's recorded as our
viewer rating and our alt metrics.
You can see as another, we also have the audio translation, which you can get here. you could put it up on your computer or phone, turn it on the audio, plug it in, listen to it on your
earphones, listen to it in your room, walk around and multitask. We are in a very close to coming out in podcast with this
audio version, so it makes it much easier and to hear.
Over here, and I'm gonna enlarge this, is a video of the last, the
most recent 10 videos that have been added to the website. You can see this one has been seen 764 times, it was rated highly by everyone who read it. And this up here, this is 26 minutes and 14
seconds. So video number 23 is 28 minutes and 36 seconds. So we're able to look at that and see how long the video is, and then figure that into the amount of time you have
I want to go back and show you now another way to look at the content of SI Digital. You go up to this logo here, which is four squares. You click on that and you see on this page, there are all
the videos listed in SI Digital. And underneath each one is a very short summary. A few words telling you what each video is about. For example, the last six videos we had on were on pediatric
neurosurgery. They were held in one of our Baghdad meetings with faculty from around the world. Here was one on an endoscopic removal, intraventricular removal of a craniopharyngeoma
from Nicaragua. Rasmussen encephalitis is a very difficult problem to treat and it's shown by our colleagues in Argentina. Removal of a posterior inferior mesial AVM, difficult lesion to reach in a
brain vibe. See, how should you do it? And in this era where we need to know more about what the tumor is so we can grade it, brain biopsy is becoming very important. We also have selections
where you can look at the whole meeting with all of the content together. And here's the full AG DAD meeting number 22, which was on pediatric neurosurgery. We have another series by Nancy Epstein
on spine surgery. There's five lectures on spine surgery here now. These are all controversial subjects that you discussed in detail with references, pros and cons. This is on epidural injections.
We also have some contributions. Here's a contribution on a very complicated case of a collival tumor removed in a country with limited resources outstanding job. More of Nancy's lectures, synovial
cyst, DVT. And here is a new series we've run called Let's Talk. It's a talk generated by young neurosurgeons and students. We have
that as YNSS. And they wanted to talk about mediocrity and medicine. This is an intergenerational study of mediocrity and medicine and how you deal with it. Here is one of the UCLA 101 series on
neurosurgery. This is a neuroradiology lecture on the cerebral venous system. Another one on meningiomas. You probably haven't seen a review on meningiomas recently This is new going into the
genetics of meningiomas and how this is gonna alter our treatment of them in the future. This is a talk on artificial intelligence by Rich Byrne, a very popular topic now. What is it that it's good
to do? What is it that are at shortage? It's shortcomings.
And so here's another experimental study done, a research study done by SNI Digital on controversial subjects. which we will do continuously on subjects that no one wants to publish and are very
covered up. This is about COVID-19. Most doctors don't know much about COVID-19. Most of the information has been covered up and you'll find out why. This is a two hour interview with Russell
Blalak, who's an expert in the area. We wrote a book together on the subject and you will find out the truth about COVID-19 What do you need to know? It's important for you and your patients. It's
important for you personally, what you need to know about this disease, what its threats are, how damaging it can be to your patients and to you, what the long-term complications are, and how do
you treat it? Here's a talk on a cerebrovascular system or review posterior circulation disease. This is another part of the series of 101, Neurosurgery 101. It's a lecture on how you deal with
end-of-life issues. There's a series of seven lectures by Jorge Lazareff. All of these lectures are with discussion. Everything
on this site is discussion. It is not just a lecture only. So you can ask questions can be asked by the audience. You'll hear the response and those will be the questions you wanna ask. This is a
whole series from UCLA 101 This is a part of the lecture series. This is on how to isolate a seizure focus, a lecture by Robert Gross from Georgia on psychiatric neurosurgery of which he was one of
the originators, another on neuro-optimology or review by a neuro-optimologist and on another talk by Jacques Morcos on Moya Moya in skull-based surgery. Here's an invited lecture We're going to
have those in invited lecture by Tim Clousie. who's a neurologist and a neuro-oncologist ahead of neuro-oncology at UCLA, on how you treat low-grade gliomas everywhere in the world. And cranial
pharyngeomas, it's an excellent interview, takes 45 minutes or 50 minutes, you'll learn a tremendous amount. Next, we have a series of talks given by youngs, by students in Glasgow who are
working with faculty at medical centers throughout Scotland And these are on subjects of early interest in research in neurosurgery. We have endoscopic endo-naves that were approaches to cellular
meningiomas, a real view of that and a review of skull-based surgery. There's a talk on retrospective review of pediatric meningiomas, very rarely find anything on this in the literature, a talk
of 25 patients. This is, these are other talks here are dealing with a biochemistry in the immunology of glioblastoma. and also using soma-dynamic therapy to treat glioblastoma, all leading-edge
research. Very good talks also critiqued at the same time on video with faculty members from those centers. We have programs for young neurosurgeons and students, and there are a whole series of
these programs here on research they've done guided by Sam or Hose. A number of these have already been published There's an outstanding talk here from Bob Bagdad by Dr. Al Chabori on how you
approach a microsurgery of pulvenor in post-year thalamic lesions, outstanding talk on the anatomy and the surgery of it, excellent outcome and results. In addition, there are other subjects we
had that have been meeting on on oncology in which there was a summary lecture given by someone in the United States. was very, very helpful. So I'm taking you through the series here. Here's some
earlier talks, roundtable discussions on spine problems, another Let's Talk series and Let's Talk, and on
a variety of interesting subjects. There's one on here, spinal cord insurance repair. It can be done, it can be achieved. Again, it's another subject you haven't seen much about. So we click on
this to get out of this. We're back to the homepage, you can see that And another thing you can do to search for something is you can put in a brain tumor.
And you click on the red magnet here, and you will see all of these choices come out. And if you're looking for brain tumors, those are all the choices you will see. One other thing, if you go up
to the menu, you see special video series. In this series, you see this is the first of all we've collected on the website. This is the hernosthemia-operated videos. There are 1, 200 videos on
the site, and you can see them here. These are outstanding videos, all edited by Dr. Hernosthemia and his colleagues on various aspect tumors of the brain, spine, vascular lesions, and so forth.
Terrific, they're very popular. They've been on SNN.
So, let's go back to the home page You can go and click on the logo here, and it takes us back to the home page.
And here's the home page. If you wanna leave us some comments, go down and press on the blue button. You can report an issue, suggest a new feature. You can also write us a letter. We'll write
you back as soon as we can. These are all things we want to make this better for you. We wanna make it so it's very helpful for you. We hope you liked this presentation. and you find this useful.
Thank you. In summary, this is your video journal with news to sound bites, to interactive lectures, full meetings, all with discussion, content from around the world in 10 languages, in video,
audio, podcast, print out on demand, with references, it's time stamped. So do you know how long it is? Peer reviewed has all-tech metrics, so you can see how many people have looked at the
program. It's viewer rated, it has PubMed listing, you can get CME credit for it, it's available 247, 365, so it's available any time you want it, by phone, tablet, or screen, and besides
that it's free It's information you want, when you want it, and how you want
it Coming new and upgrades are a simple, new, simpler home page. Now that we have over 100 videos, real-time translations in multiple languages for meetings, global news, podcasts from mobile
listening, and PubMed listening for all the content.
Surgical Neurology International is our two-dimensional internet journal. Nancy Epstein is the editor-in-chief The web address is sniglobal. SNI Digital is the 3D live video journal. It's
interactive with discussion, which you can't get in 2D. The web address is snidigitalorg.
There are many ways to learn. We've covered the spectrum for you. There's the web addresses again of each.
Thank you very much.