Pediatric Neurosurgery; Craniopharyngeoma; Dr. Juan B.G. Torres; Guatemala

 SUMMARY: Dr. Juan Bosco Gonzalez Torres from Guatemala describes his experience with a subset of craniopharyngeomas that are intrventricular. He uses an endoscope to reach the lesion through the Foramen of Monro and removes the easily resectable portion the tumor. Some he could remove completely but others were calcified and he left some of those portions. His patients did well. What this shows is another route to the removal or partial removal of these very complex tumors which can be very difficult to remove completely. For me, craniopharyngeoma  is a "sucker's tumor", which makes the surgeon think it can be removed and that is when complications occur, as it invades the surrounding tissues. Quality of life vs extent of surgical resection is the challenge for the neurosurgeon.  There is a recent paper in the NEngJMed 2023 389:118-126 (DOI:m10.1056/NEJMoa2213329) which describes the molecular, biochemical success in the experimental treatment of papillary craniopharyngeomas that provides hope for the future. (JIA)

  • J
  • Juan Bosco Gonzales Torres,