and this is part two of the interview with Dr. Blalock on what doctors need to know about COVID-19. Let's just for a moment transition to the you mentioned something and that is emergency use. I
want you to talk about what is this doctrine of emergency use? How did that play into the pharmaceutical companies getting the free license to manufacture the drug and that gets us to the second
thing is what about Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and steroids and other agents that essentially people were told not to take because Ivermectin is an animal drug or a big so forth can you talk
about those two things and we'll take a break but first what is the emergency use doctrine why is that important on this and how did this have what did this have to do with other drugs that were
supposed to be effective, and we know from their effectiveness in
other countries, but we're almost, that we're essentially canceled out. Can you explain that? Emergency use in other drugs. Yeah, according to the law, emergency use authorization can only be
given if there's no alternative, in other words, not any other drug or treatment that will take care of the problem,
and if they would die of the one.
Well, it didn't meet any of the criteria for emergency use authorization. They had several drugs that work like a medical miracle,
and so they've been over backwards to make sure this was not used. Who's they? whether people that are in charge of all this. And that's the medical establishment. Okay, okay. The medical, the
hospitals and the medical associations and the government bureaucracies, the CDC. And so they abandoned. And so the hospital were told, Not only will you not use these things, like I've
remembered, is that you'll lose your license. You'll be thrown out of the hospital if you try to use them So it was for the first time I ever remembered. If they banned, they told doctors, You
can't write a prescription for Ivermectin.
It's a legal drug. It has been approved. It's extremely safe, extremely effective. They were told, You can't use it
And then private pharmacies were told, You can't fill it.
Wal-Mart or some of these other CVS, and they'll refuse to fill it. That's the first time I ever remember. So here's this a summary. We've got a virus that basically is no worse than really the
most COVID viruses, which are cold viruses.
We've got a reaction to this in which we have a test, which then reports people as widely infected, which everybody is anyway with a COVID virus. We have an exaggeration in the reports of deaths,
actually from comorbidities, not from the virus itself. And then what we have is the acceleration of an effort to make a vaccine, a quote vaccine, which doesn't even fit the definition of a
vaccine because it doesn't stop the disease, prevent the disease and so forth.
And then what we have is what you've then said, is now there are other drugs or other agents on the market that were used that had been affected. It was reported in Peru, Afghanistan, South Africa,
and Bangladesh, where they couldn't afford a vaccine in those populations. They used Ivermectin and they had in Africa because you take it from malaria, hydroxychloroquine, and these people didn't
get the disease. So there was evidence there, but that never appeared in the newspapers. So that was suppressed. And so it all gets back to the one statement you just made. You couldn't, you
could not support the use of quote this new vaxxuda vaccine.
If there was other treatments available on the market, this had to be the only alternative available. So therefore, all the alternatives were basically debunked were prevented from being, used in
every possible way you couldn't get it from the pharmacy, you'd be discharged, your career would be threatened, so that everybody was forced then to use the vaccine. Is that correct? Yes, that's
correct. And even Egypt, North India, Peru had enormous, and what they did is in those countries, they changed it from a prescription medication to over the count So in Peru, for instance, they
made sure everybody had access to Ivermectin. Now there's nonsense about horse medicine. They treat these parasitic diseases and horses and cows and stuff with Ivermectin, but it's determined by
the weight. So what happened is because the pharmacies refused to fill it, people were going to the
veterinary place right here in my own state My name was, they went. and bought the horse with the media called horseback, but it was pure eye permactant. And as I told people, you don't own a
million dollar horse and give a contaminated drug to it. And so it's determined by a white, well, somebody worked out the white. How much of this veterinary medicine
you use for a human? Well, the media was acting like you're taking the dose for a horse or a cow, which is four or 500 pounds, which is nonsense. And they knew it was nonsense. And if you look
at the
studies on it, it was completely safe. If you use the proper dose, not only did it stop the transmission, but it prevented you from getting ill. And so even severely ill patients treated
we're getting remarkably better. And the
FCC put together all the studies, it's something like 50-something studies that prove I were making works even for severely ill patients. So it prevents it, you from getting it, just take it once
a week. And it is used to treat it. But they were scared that if you do it, like Pierre Corey says in his book, we knew as soon as we discovered Ivermectin, this would end the pandemic. It was
over. It's simple, cheap, cost almost nothing, Ivermectin.
Ivermectin has also been found to be an entercancer agent.
It has been used for 40 years. There are billions of doses. It won the Nobel Prize because it was one of the safest medicines
So here they were producing phony research to prove it was dangerous. And so when the experts looked at the researchers said, this is completely phony. You gave doses of Iremectin that were huge.
Just so you could say it didn't work. Or you underdiagnosed, under medicated people. So they would have a patient in a hospital and you'd give them a tiny dose And then you would report in your
medical order, but it didn't work.
So they have all kinds of tricks to overcome it. So that gets to, before we take a break here, then it gets to the point where here we got the person who was watching the show and he said, Well,
gee whiz, I went to the hospital and I had to have an injection in order to practice there. We had all the politicians for saying they got the injection. Why would these people be taking it if they
knew that it was gonna be harmful.
Well, then we discovered later on, some of these people were getting saline injections. They weren't getting the COVID infection. Other people were finding that, well, these vaccines either were
diluted or they were allowed to be about raising the temperature. If you raise the temperature, it's enacted and they knew that. And so, and then they have hot lots and they found that some lots
of the vaccine are 200 times more often associated with fatality than other lots. They may be thousands of vaccines than a lot. And that's not unique to this vaccine. That happens in other vaccines
as well. And that came out of a series of British studies analyzing the lots of, I think it was Pfizer, showing that different strengths of the components in that cold suit of vaccine that they
were getting injected. So some people, and I fell on a group, I had an initial two injections, where it turned out I traced the lot down and I was in a high risk category. It didn't turn out that
anything happened, but obviously there were different
strengths or toxicity of the lots. In fact, I think, again, it was reported, and I know you've written about this, that it was given to the military.
And they had a very high incidence of miscarriages, neurological deficits, but being in the military, it wasn't reported they got a lawyer who came out and defended them who essentially revealed
all this stuff, but that was also suppressed. You wanna come in and buy that? Yeah, it was Tom Rents. Tom Rents was an attorney. He's really been on top of this. And he looked at the data from
the military There was almost a thousand percent increase in neurological problems. with the vaccine. There was a massive increase to a 300 increase in cancer.
And autoimmune diseases is just skyrocket. So he found all these things among the military and they covered it up. I was contacted by members of the military and they asked what to do. And I said,
well, you know, I was in the military and I said, there's a uniform code of military justice which says you don't have to follow any order that is illegal. I don't care if a general said, and I
said, just tell them, according to the uniform code of military justice, this is an experimental vaccine, I do not have to take it. And they can't force you to take it and they can't throw you
out of the military.
Okay, let's move on to
the next set of
questions. Do you wanna take a break for a minute or are you okay? I'm fine.
The next set of questions are let's see what the effect of the vaccine is in terms of diseases. And maybe we could go organ system by organ system are the most common ones. Do you want to discuss?
Okay, so we've talked about the vaccine and we talked about it has got the spike protein in it. We talked about it. It could have some immunologic fragments which suppress your immune system.
We've talked about it could have some DNA fragments and we talked about it may have a substance that's a metal, that's a toxin. Now it was injected in the arm. It distributes in the arm and it goes
to a whole bunch of systems. Which are the most sensitive ones? And where does it go? What do we know about it? Start with the first one. Is the heart the first one or the blood vessels the first
one or the brain? Well, it seems to be the endothelium of the blood vessels and the endothelium has a numerous spike, H2 receptor.
So this spike protein in the vaccine attaches very easily to the endothelium and enters it and damages it. And Dr. Burkhardt, who was recently died, he's a pathologist, very eminent pathologist
from Germany. And he looked at this in all types. And he found that throughout these blood vessels, these in the microbuzzles, the
endothelium was
infected with spike proteins, the S1, S2,
and including the heart. Next was the heart. And then when you look at it, it was a bone marrow. Well, they recently reported what there's an increase in leukemia in the bone. And these children,
I predicted that I said, because it enters the bone marrow, we're gonna see a spike in leukemia. and children, and we're gonna see adults start coming down with multiple myeloma and other diseases
associated with the bone marrow. Okay, you said that now. What about the blood vessels? Because there were studies that came out and it came out from the morticians in England who were autopsying
the bodies because they had all of a sudden not an increased number of deaths. And I think it was three or four times the number they were seeing. And when they wanted to inject the formaldehyde of
the fixative in the vessel, they found that they couldn't do it because the vessels were filled and they took out these long clots that they said they've never seen before in their lives. Is that
from the vaccine and what it was inducing in terms of the blood vessel damage? Well, it was only in the vaccine. And I watched several of those videos said where they interviewed the mortician from
England. And he was distraught. He said, I've never seen so many deaths. And he said, Just like you said, you can't inject the embalming fluiduntil you remove the clot. And he said, These
clots are fibrous clots. They're not like you see post-modal clotsthat are very soft and easy to dissolveand you can inject the embalming fluid through them. He said, These are rubbery, very hard
clots, and they don't dissolve. He said, You can use what's used in medicineto dissolve clots and they won't dissolve.
And so he found people with clots as long as two or three feet
and they're arteries in their legs or arteries in their pulmonary system. And so, yes, and we're seeing a clots in the brain, seeing the carotid artery thrombose, She was a sagittal scientist
around both of us. uh, and we've never seen that before, and I was interviewed and, and, and the woman said, how many sages of sinus thrombosis have you ever seen? I said, well, in all of
them, my practice, I may have seen two or three, very long. It's extremely rare. And, uh, I've seen transverse sinus thrombosis, but it's extremely rare. And now they've had a numerous cases,
all in vaccinated people. And so now we know that with the inflammation of that endothelium, it triggers the immune system to activate, and it produces an amyloid substance that is causing the
fibrous type clot. It's not a normal clot. Is this responsible for the acute death of, uh, that's increased in young, young, healthy, even very active athletic people? Or is it, or is it the
myocarditis that that's also you haven't talked about that yet. that you've got from the vaccine? It's both, but most of these athletes are dying of a mild carditis, and what they dive in is an
And they're very sensitive to epinephrine. If they get excited or exercise, they release epinephrine and it triggers the arrhythmia. And I've tried to tell them, that's because the electrical
system of the heart is replete with glutamate receptors And you're activating those. And if we look at these micro vessels in the heart, they're thrombose, they're inflamed, they inflamed the
heart, and they make the muscle irritable. So we have two ways of getting to the heart. One, you can include the blood vessels, which that's been shown. Two, you can get myocarditis. There was
a recent report that came out that said the CDC knew about the myocarditis. In fact, they collected data, but they didn't want to report on it because they thought it would panic the public. so
they didn't want to tell them about the myocarditis. But it's been reported in countries around the world. Cardiologists have seen this. And so that's one of the things. So that's for the heart.
the lungs was there a hyperimmune reaction that was causing the lungs to have consolidation and so forth because remember in China they would hold up the x-rays of the consolidated lungs. What was
the cause of that? Well, it can do that. And what I reported in your journal, I know I reported in another journal, was the cytokine storm in the lung is due to excitlet toxicity. And I
reference it with the numerous references showing that these cells, avial cells inside the lung secrete glutamate They make the lung
leak and so the fluid will leak. out of the vessel, into the lung, producing the consolidation. And so he had and the inflammation. And so you're seeing destruction from that process. And you
take a few minutes out and tell the audience, 'cause you've been a pioneer in this area. You've talked about it for years before it became, it's becoming more accepted. What is
immuno-excitotoxicity? How is it primed? And what does it mean?
Well, I was friends with the man that discovered excitotoxicity, Dr. Olney, and I went to his lab and stayed at his house.
Excitotoxicity primarily is due to secretion of the excitotoxin glutamate.
And it triggers a free radical generation, it interacts with nitric
oxide, and it produces severe destruction. Usually in the brain, so all of the gerinity brain diseases that we commonly talk about are excited toxic diseases. They're finding it in
neuropsychiatric disease. They're finding it in a numerous diseases. Well, what's not known is that, among most physicians, it is known among researchers, is that there's glutamate receptors
throughout your body, your heart, your lungs, your pancreas, intestines, muscle, everything, has glutamate receptors, just like in the brain, except the brain is protected against glutamate
somewhat by
the blood-brain barrier. And you don't have that protection in your retina, and you don't have it in your organs. And so it's easy to trigger that. Now, what happens is there's a connection
between immunological activation and activation of toxicity. And what we find is that if you get stimulated anywhere with an injury or an immune stimulation, it instantly activates excited toxicity.
And I explain that in a couple of articles in your journal in which I show the mechanism by which it does it and quote the literature that proves it. So now we know that most of these diseases aren't
pure excited toxic diseases that immuno excited toxic disease. So what you're getting to is a concept that I wanted to bring out. And that is that we're getting into the 21st century and to
recognizing that there are diseases that are like autoimmune diseases, but and they are a component of the immune system. But essentially, if you irritate or prime the immune system enough, it
will overreact. and when it overreacts, it'll attack the other cells in the body and the brain. We're gonna come to that in a minute and then cause a lot of degenerative diseases and other diseases.
And it's highly active in COVID and particularly with the pseudo vaccine because you keep turning out despite protein to which the body is continuously reacting and forming more sensitivity and more
immune reactivity. Is that correct? Yes, it's like being vaccinated all the time. It's like 24 hours a day, you're being vaccinated. And that's because in all your blood vessels, your micro
vessels, all your tissues, this inflammatory process going on, which is immuno-excited toxic. So it produces immuno-excited toxicity in your heart, in your lungs, in your muscles and in your
tissues. We, I'm gonna write about this one day
Autoimmune diseases are really immunoexcited toxic diseases. And so some of the
immunologists have looked at MS, for instance, and they said the amount of damage we see cannot be explained by the immunology alone. It's probably excited toxic. So in fact, and it turns out now
another branch is a medicine and a nervous system, which you know when we're talking about in brain tumors, there's the brain tumor is living in an environment in which part of the environment wants
to attack the tumor 'cause it's not normal. Another wants to protect it from being attacked. And so nature has some kind of a balance in the immune system here. But once you keep getting this spike
protein being thrown out, you've upset the balance and the whole system can go awry and allow these other kinds of diseases and illnesses to occur, which then gets to the. it gets to the heart
damage and into the central nervous system damage. I'll lead into this. I had a patient that I know have had a vaccine vaccination with the pseudo vaccine, and she got a immediate loss of smell.
And then came back and had another injection, and then got a little loss of memory which lasted a short time. Then had another set of immune, another set of vaccinations, and she got a
neurological deficit. And so what was happening in that young woman was that she was being continuously threatened and assaulted with attackers to her immune system which then was overreacting So
tell us a little bit about what the, what the vaccine. And now it's components that are now part of every cell and everybody's churning them out. And I didn't ask you this question. If this is
gonna happen, Russell, what do we know? Is this gonna happen for the rest of my life? Or is it gonna happen for a few months and it goes away? Or don't we know? Well, we don't really know
'cause they've never studied it. And so we don't know what's gonna happen to all these people. One of the results that's come out recently is they've concluded that it costs 24 years of people's
life. And a cardiologist said 75 of these people who have mild carditis will be dead in 10 years.
Recently it came out that 1, 400 young athletes have dropped dead who were vaccinated.
So you don't really know and they all talk about this We don't know what's gonna happen in tenure. We don't know what's gonna happen in six years, five years. And 'cause they didn't
do any studies. This is all unexplored ground. And we're gonna find out, but I don't think it's gonna be proved. So the studies are really now being ongoing,
actually, in human beings, that's what's happened. So when the nervous system, there are some people who get, there's this woman who had all these
things. This could have been an immuno-excitotoxic reaction with an overreaction. And if it gets to be continued and repeated, and you've written about this, does this result in Alzheimer's
disease or Parkinson's disease or other kinds of diseases, like autism and so much to receive a tremendous increase? And
do you wanna take a little side trip here and answer that question? Yeah, in fact, I predicted it. I said, You're gonna find in these - people have been fully vaccinated for getting these
boosters. I say, we're gonna see neurologic diseases skyrocket. We're gonna see autism skyrocket. And we're gonna see neurological diseases we've never seen before. All those predictions are
already coming through. For instance, prion diseases They
were extremely rare, called a mad cow disease, spongiform encephalopathy. They were very rare and they took years to develop. We're now seeing people, there were 26 cases of prion disease and
vaccinating people reported. And they said it was so unusual about it within a week, two weeks to a month at the most, they developed the prion disease and they died within a week
What's the hope for the audience a pryon to see he's is
is it's a accumulation of a foreign protein or malfunctioning protein in the cells of the nervous system, right? Yeah, a pryon is normal. It's a normal protein and it's protected. What I've just
discovered, pryons
protect your brain from excitotoxicity. And so what
they did is they blocked pryons to see what it would do and it caused excitotoxicity. It's a break on it. It's a way to comment. And so the spondyliform encephalopathy is due to pryon disease.
Maybe the back, what happens is protein is misfolded 'cause proteins form a conformation, three-dimensional folding. If they're not folded exactly right, they don't work right And so what we see
is this normal pryon is misfolded in this disease. And that spreads. So the other prions, they become exposure.
And so that's the basic problem. Is it may be releasing excited toxicity everywhere.
But fortunately, we have a couple of natural ways to possibly reverse it. Well, you're leading into what the audience wants to know. So that we've gone through the whole thing and we've gone
through what the original virus was. It's not very lethal at all In fact, it's no worse than most regular COVID
cold viruses. We've gone through the fact that they went through all kinds of measures to basically alarm the public. We've gone through the fact that you couldn't have had the quote sua vaccines
come out unless you had the emergency use doctrine, which means that you couldn't have any other competing agents. And we've invalidated those, the use of those so everybody had to have it. We got
to the isolation, masking procedures, so social distancing, which we've talked about have absolutely no value. Then we've gone to this CO2 vaccine, which does not localize in the muscle, as we
said. It spreads throughout the body. It can have an immediate
allergic, quote, allergic reactions, which why some of these people responded to steroids when they were acutely ill. But it can have more long-term chronic effects, which you're talking about
basically the mechanism is the immuno-excitotoxicity, which can be produced in other organs. And it also goes to the reproductive organs, which makes them sterile. We didn't go into that in detail.
It goes to the heart and making clots and also causing myocarditis. You talked about the long-term effects. You've talked about, we don't know what the long-term effects are 'cause nobody studied
it. And usually when they studied a vaccine, I thought they had to study it for. some years before it was released for the public. Am I correct about that? Well, the Jackarite, in fact, if
it's a new type of vaccine. Is there some? Yeah, it's 10 years to be studied before it's released. Oh, okay, so now we got that one. And we're gonna come to the obvious question at the end,
but so now the question the audience is gonna have is, okay, I see this, and you've explained why some people are not getting yellow and other people are getting yellow, and some maybe some people
aren't getting there, the real serious quotes to the vaccine. What can I do? Because I'm going to the doctor, and I'm gonna come to that, the last part of this. I'm going to the doctor and he's
maybe, I went to a doctor recently, and he said, well, I've stopped telling my patients to take the vaccine. I'm leaving it up to them. How about that one? That's nice. That's new. So,
obviously, are reacting to the fact that there have been reports that it's not so good, but they don't want to take full responsibility for it, so they give it to the patient. And that's why the
patient goes to the doctor in the first place. What do I know about this? So anyway, the question then is, you said there are some things you can do maybe to offset it. What do you suggest? And
we're not here to prescribe medicine to people, but this is what you study. You study the effect of a whole bunch of these agents and you study essentially the biochemistry of health and disease.
What would seem to be something that would effectively work?
Well, the most effective thing is neutralize or get rid of the spike protein. And there's a number of probabilistic enzymes like nattoconides and bromoleum, which does that. And And, uh.
The FCC recommends it, but I'd recommend it before they did, is that we see if people take this every day, they wipe out the spike protein, then they don't have to worry about it anymore. And the
energy is that lowers your fibrinogen, which increases your clotting, and it dissolves clots, and so you get better blood flow. And also lowers blood pressure
The Japanese would eat a lot of cereal that contain nattoconase, and they have an extremely low heart attack rate. And the researchers have looked at it and said, That's probably why. And so they
began to look at nattoconase, and he said, There's probably a good replacementfor aspirin to prevent strokes from heart attack So it's safe and there's good research on it.
And there's almost no side effects. If you have an ulcer, you have to be careful with it. But otherwise, it didn't get rid of this spike protein. And that was the goal. As people want to know,
how do you get rid of the spike protein?
The other thing is nano-curcum, nano-curcum, which is just a very small molecule of curcum. And it's not different, except for the size And it enters, it's been shown to block COVID.
It's also a very powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidant. So the two together would give you tremendous protection. It also has been shown to be one of the few things that stops the progression of
prion diseases. So apparently, what's happened with the prions is either the inflammation plus
the free radical generation produces misfolding. curcumin blocks.
Curcumin in your brain,
you see high levels in beta amyloid. So it keeps the beta amyloid from causing any problem. So people are going to be sitting down saying, well, wait a minute, and I'll give you a story from
yesterday. They're going to say, well, it was a nano kinase of his bromiline and it was nano curcumin, right? Those are the three things. They're going to say, well, how come I'm not reading
about this number one? Number two, I had to go to the hematologist the other day, as we were following up in
an anemia. And I said, well, you know, I've been taken eloquence because I had some some problems in the past with thrombosis. But I said, you know, what about narrow kinase? I'm asking a
hematologist and it's an anti clotting agent.
And he said to me, well, I don't never heard about it. And I don't know anything about it. So you should take this. And my guess is the reaction in these people are going to write it down. I'm
sure they'll look at the video and so forth. And they'll go to the doctor, they ask them a question. It's going to be the same answer. And the question then is, why don't we hear about it? Why
don't we know about this? There are people, you're not the only one who has talked about it. There have been some of this, you were one of the first. Why don't we know about this? Well, it's in
the medical literature. And there's a lot of things in the medical literature that people don't know about. And I have people all the time say, well, it sounds good, all that you do, I'm going
to ask my doctor about it. He doesn't know a thing about it. And so I say, well, might well answer your man about it He probably knows just as much as your doctor knows about it. Because when we
go through med school, they teach us pharmacology. We have pharmacology representatives. We learn volcanoes, we don't learn about these things. And so in the medical literature, there's people
who are world experts in this area, and they've written beautiful
articles. And you know, in the articles they write, do you have any conflicts of interest? No, they're not working for these companies They don't sell this, they don't make money from it. They
just studied it. And I've sent you a bunch of articles on that to Akhanais, and these are extensive reviews that looked at all the literature. And the hematologists that are doing the research made
that question. Why aren't we using this instead of aspirin? Why aren't we using this instead of these other agents that have all these dangerous side effects?
We don't get started.
actually is not organized and the brombling or the ivermectin or the hydroxylchloroquine. Right. So, so we were leading into the last last subject. We covered a lot of territories taking us about
an hour and a half, but it's okay. And obviously, if I'm now sitting in the couch, I got the message that the virus isn't wasn't lethal to begin with. I got the message that
it was spread around the world, so everybody had it. We got a testing system that showed that you have it, but it had no indication that it was related to any disease, or that it had any relation
to any any batch true virus you had, you could have had a fragment in there. And so we had people with comorbidities, and we have there's a whole host of evidence that said that these people don't
do well, you started with your citation of what happened in Italy. And I think that was well understood. And then we get to the vaccine, which isn't exactly a vaccine. And it was, the definition
was changed so it could be kind of fit into there because it doesn't stop the disease from occurring or it doesn't prevent the disease from occurring and it's transmitted. So it doesn't qualify as a
vaccine, but yet it was promoted and it's a new chemical agent. And if it's a new chemical agent, it didn't fall into the criteria of being investigated 10 years before it's released into the
public. And then we find out that when they inject it and it's got not only the spike protein, it's got some DNA contamination or may have some toxic metal in it and so forth. It doesn't stay on
the muscle that goes throughout the body. You could have an immediate reaction to it because you're immunologic predisposition and you get the
overreaction of your immune system but then it gets into the blood vessels. It gets into the heart. It gets into the central nervous system. It gets into the organ systems. You talked about the
blood marrow. And we get a whole series of complications there, many of which are united by the hypothesis that you've made, which has been subsequently proven that immuno-excitotoxicity is going
to be a disease of the 21st century in which essentially the body is so primed and so attacked by multiple infections and invasions that it overreaction essentially causes damage by itself and could
lead to autism, Parkinson's, old-timers and a whole variety of other things. And so now we're at the point of, well, what we can do about it and we got some agents out there that are just like
Ivermectin hypoxochloric when nobody knows about it. They're not reported in the press. The journals aren't publishing them. And you have to go to the early articles who sent me aren't in common
journals. And so
they're gonna go to a doctor. They're gonna hear what I said. I don't know anything about it, but you decide. It doesn't help them at all. And so we're getting down to the final question which
everybody is saying. And that is, what the heck is behind all this? I mean, you got the government that's covering up evidence. You got the FDA, you didn't mention it, but they're involved. We
got the CDC. It doesn't really know what to say. And that's telling you about all the social distancing, max masking, shut down of businesses. And then they change. And then they change back
again. We got the government, which isn't reporting the complications to get of this quote-su vaccine. And we get a revelation in the past few weeks that the CDC didn't want to tell everybody
because they were going to alarm everybody.
And so I'm sitting out there, I'm a member of the public and I'm a physician watching this. I don't know this, the hospital didn't tell me and I saw some people, I know of a case of a man who was
marched out of UCLA hospital as an anesthesiologist 'cause he said, I think you should give our vermectin. And you know, and you have a number of people you know around the country whose license
were taken away. Mero Ness and Maine was a physician who advocated using it. They took a license and now they're sending her, a psychologist, it's like a Russian Gulag.
This is unheard of. So the question is, what's behind all this? And can you spend a few minutes, and that's not enough time in me, we'll have to have another session. What's behind this and why?
It was all covered up. It was covered up from the very beginning, as you said in China. What's behind all this?
Well, number one, there's a lot of
money Boot. They farm pseudo companies off of this pseudo vaccine have made a trillion dollars or more.
Countries have purchased this so-called vaccine for billions of dollars, but we paid over 40 billion dollars for those. So these companies have gotten their money before the first vaccine was given
That's number one, it's made them enormously rich. They're enormously rich. They're also, it increased the power of the central government. Now they have power they never had before. They can
tell you to take something that could kill you. They can take something that would possibly destroy you, destroy your children They can tell pregnant women you'll never have a baby.
your baby, if you have, it's gonna be deformed.
So they have enormous power. They've collapsed the capitalist system, the free enterprise system. So now they can say, well, it didn't work. We need a socialist system. So we can plan things.
It's all about planning, interventionalism. And as one of the great thinkers said, it's not planning versus chaos. It's your plan versus my plan. I wanna be healthy. I wanna live long. I wanna
do things. I wanna work. Your plan says, you work for me. You do what I say. If I decide that you're not worth it, I wanna get rid of you. And so we're at a point where now's the elite of
society the elite of society has decided. We're gonna have this ultimate plan we've always wanted, but now we have the technological know-how to do it. And we can do it. And you will take this,
or you'll be eliminated. They have a new UN treaty that's gonna be signed by a lot of countries. And one of the things it says is, now we've invented a new word calledmile information. It means
your information may be true In other words, everything I said is true. But if it makes loose faith in your government, that's mile information, and you will be punished. We're seeing a level of
censorship. I don't ever remember seeing. We're seeing articles and journals canceled. I've never seen that to that degree. We're seeing world-renowned experts demonize, lose their license thrown
out of medical suspects.
It's things I've never seen in my entire
60 years in. I mean, it's just amazing. And it's getting worse. It's getting more controlling. And the individual no longer matters anymore. It's the group. They decide what you will do. And
this new thing says that the UN and the WHO, WHO can declare anything in emergency Not just a pandemic, but global warming. It's the new emergency. Now, you will drive an electric car. You will
have a smart meter put on your house. You will do this and that. And if you don't, we have a social credit system that will take away your income And all of these things you're mentioning exist.
in various authoritarian governments throughout the world in China, everything you've said exists in Russia to exist to, I think, a fair degree and it sort of exists. So I think you've answered an
excellent summary of what's behind it. It's a power in money, a competition for power and money, and the poor individual does not get the truth and obviously affects the media because they control
the media. And there were some evidence that came out through the Twitter papers. I think everybody knew when Elon Musk bought Twitter that he revealed all the emails that were occurred during the
COVID pandemic, which isn't really a pandemic. And it just spread worldwide like a cold. And it found out that in collusion with government agencies, FBI. I
think I'm right about this. The CDC.
And they were able to suppress certain kinds of information because they characterized that this is all in the Twitter papers, it's not from me telling you, it's all published information in the
Twitter papers, look up the Twitter papers, it's in there. That this is Russian propaganda and therefore they would dismiss it. And it's all been revealed. And the media was paid off by a
government grants, that's also available factual information to essentially suppress this information. So,
and those are some of those things are in into your articles. So I think we've come full circle from the beginning of where we start with this to the end and we get down to the public and what we're
interested in, and as I said at the beginning is we're interested in putting facts out, we're interested in the truth. All that everything you said is factual, It can all be documented by the
papers you've written about it by other papers. We'll have some references on the site. People can look at it. I'm sure there'll be people who are gonna criticize this, but our goal as physicians
is to report what we believe is the truth. And if you have reasonable objections to it, we're happy to listen to it. We're happy to consider them. I think I sent you yesterday a paper that I'd
gotten from India. I don't know if you had a chance to look at it. I had some people from India because they used the, they used the Iremectin error. And he went through, they went through,
there were several authors and they were in infectious disease. And they went through a series of all the papers after I said, initially you didn't study this enough. And they said, Iremectin
works, I'm going to talk to Clark and all of these things work. There's evidence for it. However, the World Health Organization, studied 10, 000 patients and it wasn't a value. Therefore,
we're not gonna believe this information that we just read.
It's ludicrous. So they investigated, they found out the fact, the facts were justified, but they didn't believe the other information. And then other information, there's a book by Robert F.
Kennedy called Fauci, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, where he goes into extensive detail about all the things we've discussed today in every form And in which he talks about all of the things that you've
mentioned. So it's not just Russell Blalock talking about this. There are other people who have written it,
who've been terrorized, who've been suppressed and so forth. Because they want to get the truth out, that's what we want to do. Anything that we didn't cover you want to cover?
Well, you know, as you always say, connect to dots. And I tell people, well, if you see something happen, give me another explanation for it. You have Ralph Berwick giving a communist,
Chinese laboratory the golden fleas. They didn't know how to make this virus attack human lung epithelium. He showed them how. He helped them build the virus. And then you look at, well, how did
you spread? Well, everywhere in Asia, everywhere else that had it. They said, the first thing we saw was an influx of Chinese.
And I had a friend of mine in Maryland. And he said, just before the COVID outbreak, this is before this injection nonsense, he said Chinese showed up in town. And then right after that, COVID
started happening and I showed you a videotape in which they were putting nasal secretion on doorknobs and benches and and coughing on vegetables and stores to try to spread it.
So I think it you can call people conspiracy theorists but if you got an explanation presented.
The other thing I didn't mention early on is Russell and I wrote a book together called the China virus. What is the truth? This was early on in 2020-2021 was published which goes into all the early
evidence about this at the time. I read about it. I was very confused because I kept any different pieces of information and then decided to sit down and chronologically put it together. It's
available free on
the SI website. but we'll have that in the references also. So there's lots of information out there. If you want to look into it and get it, you can find it. There's a website, F-L-C-C-C,
which is a group of people who've gotten together who believe similarly to what Russell said. It's a website that gives you factual information on this. We'll put that up on the website also.
Russell, I can't thank you enough for, your knowledge has been just tremendous and you've done a super job of explaining this. If the,
these are selective references which Dr. Blalock has written on COVID and immuno-excitotoxicity.
You can take a screenshot and copy this and use these as a reference list to search for these papers. They're available in surgical neurology, international free Other people have written -
extensive articles on COVID-19, the vaccine, and its complications.
Naveen Athropule is
written on a report of myocarditis spiked
in the first year of COVID-19 vaccination study. It's in the epic times.
Zachary Steiber has written an article in the CDC, which labeled accurate articles as misinformation, which documents show, and as he states in his title, this is not government working for the
people that is government as an adversary to the people. It's also published in the epic times. Mentioned in the discussion is the group called FLCCC. It's an alliance of over 16, 000 physicians
around the world
who have done research and written papers and treated patients
with other forms of treatment than vaccine.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has written an extensive book detailed research
on vaccines, on the companies involved, on the people involved. And this book is on amazoncom. It's entitled
The Wuhan Cover Up
And lastly, The Epic Times, which is an internet newspaper.
Worldwide has published a series of detailed television interviews and articles covering the subject of COVID-19 vaccines, complications
that have occurred. It's an excellent source of detailed reference material. We hope you enjoyed this presentation. The material provided in this program is for informational purposes and is not
intended for use as diagnosis or treatment of a health problem or as a substitute for consulting a licensed medical professional.
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