SNI Digital, Innovations and Learning, a 3D live video journal,
which is now offering podcasts on Amazon and Spotify with Apple in process, look for SNI Digital, in association with SNI, Surgical Neurology International, a 2D internet journal, is introducing
a new
SNI Digital Investigative Series entitledDr. Blaylock Reports, presenting facts about medically related controversies of today.
The third topic of Dr. Blaylock reports is on microwave radiation, cell phones and microwave ovens, benefits and dangers of this new technology.
Dr. Blay locks the CEO of Theoretical Neuroscience Research, the Associate Editor-in-Chief of Neural Inflammation Section of SI, and the SI Digital. He's a certified clinical nutritionist, he's
the creator and editor of the Blayknock Wellness Report, and the author of multiple books, Scientific Papers. He's a health commentator on radio TV and in the epic times.
These are some of the books which Dr. Blaylox has published. They're available on amazoncom, on the liver cure, natural strategies for cancer patients, Dr. Blaylox prescriptions for natural
health, excitotoxins,
and a book on the China virus, What is the Truth, co-authored with Dr. Ausman.
This is his Blaylock Wellness Report, which is produced monthly. as a nutritional newsletter for over 20 years. If you'd like to subscribe to it, you can visit the website wellnessreportnewsmaxcom.
is another in the series of Dr. Blalock reports. I've told you before, Russell Blalock is a neurosurgeon who became very interested in his patients who are ill and who he thought the recommended
dietitians recommendations did not make sense. For example, just to make it clear to the public, after surgery for you to be put in an IV bottle for 24 or 48 hours of just getting water is
extremely harmful to your system. He's talked about this, written about it, we published about it at just another example of, yes, he's talked about things that are controversial different that
people don't know about. We recently had a video with Fabian Dorelle, who made an independent investigation of
microwave radiation. Microwave radiation, I'll just give a quick summary here because I want you to get into the key issues. Was discovered in 1920, it's over a hundred years ago. And it was
eventually, we see it in our cell phones, microwave radiation. It's in the 5G, 4G, 6G, 2G, all these things that are being promoted. We became apparent to us in the 1950s when personnel in our
embassies around the world, particularly London and Havana, were coming down with neurological diseases, which initially couldn't be explained. And these diseases were basically non-specific in
many ways, but they turned out to be ones that caused neurological damage. and it was named the Havana syndrome, because eventually it was learned that this was being done because microwave
radiation was being focused on the embassies and the end result was toxic to our workers there. Well, the Russians in the 1950s had done experiments in animals where they showed that microwave
radiation could be harmful, but that was at high levels where it would heat the tissue And levels less than that have been used, there's been research and it was used basically for the military and
in warfare, biological, or this is now, I guess, technological warfare.
And then it began taken up by the telecommunications industry and it's in all these devices and particularly in your cell phones And the
answer is they found that this is also damaging, but none of this information is available to the public. And so what you reported, you wrote a newsletter on this and Fabian reported is that
microwave radiation is potentially lethal to the public, but we don't know about it. We're not being told about it. Is what I just said that introduction, correct? Right, exactly right. So take
it from there because what is your, what's your, 'cause you, I know you wrote about it, you wrote about it in more detail than Fabian did. We wanna get into some of those aspects. How is it
harmful? Why are we using this? Why isn't anything being told to the public about it? And what's the future implications of this? I gave you a lot of things to think about.
The interesting thing about microwave radiation, which you said was it's the non-thermal effects Before we always thought, Well, a microwave, you - with food in it and turn it on and it cooks the
food. It's a thermal effect. Well, these are very intense microwaves,
far below what's used in a cell phone and your computer and your laptop. And what they found is very early. I mean, this isn't recent. If they found that, well, there's non-thermal damage being
done, that it's not due to an heat effect. Everybody thought, well, it must be done to, or call about a heat effect. And so they begin to do experiments in which they use microwaves below the
heat effect. And they found out, well, it produces inflammation. It produces free radical generation. It lowers
glutathione, reduced glutathione, which is your cell's number one protection. And it reduces superoxide dyspneutics.
which associated with ALF and a number of other diseases. So they begin to see, well, this is pretty harmful. And then they started radiating different organs, brain, liver, heart, to see,
well, if we're using at a lower level that's not producing heat, is it damaging the cells of this organ? And the majority of people who are not connected to the telecommunication industry found,
yes, it's quite harmful. And so as I begin to look at this, they hypothesize or look at some of the
experiments in these cellular studies to see, well, what is the microwave doing that's non-thermal? Why is it causing? Well, they found disrupted cell membranes. And they said the cell membrane
was not only showed physical disruption, but it changed the are different to a porsche in the cell membrane like the calcium four with a counter bore is very important counting the number one cell
signaling apparatus and that if the cell gets too much calcium it could produce a lot of bad things including cancer honored your nerdy generation is due to calcium accumulation in neurons excited
toxicity is caused by opening of the calcium poor and allowing calcium to enter the cell and so here you have a microwave is doing this itself is is opening these force allowing calcium to accumulate
in the cell and damaging the DNA and it damages the DNA repair and design and one study found that it actually increased in number the amount of P fifty three while previous to three is the cell
suicide gene And what it does is if the cell is damaged, it triggers this P53 and it kills the cell to keep it from becoming a cancer. And what they found is that it's raising the P53 killing
otherwise normal cells. And it's interfering with DNA repair, which leads to cancer.
So we're seeing now there's more mechanisms that are being disclosed, changing ions, changing ion content of the cell, changing cell signaling, which is all important. All these things have vital
changes, and they lead to things like neurodegenerative diseases, heart failure, kidney failure, liver failure,
which may take years. Well, an interesting thing which I put in my article was, they, some of the unconscious looked at young girls said, I'm seeing teenage girls with breast cancer. said, I've
never seen a teenage girl with breast cancer ever. And then he found out that some smart entrepreneur who thought he was smart put a little cell phone pocket in their bra and they put the cell phone
there and all day long they were being irradiated. They said the cancers have occurred right where the cell phone was. And so we're seeing a sudden increase in cancers among young people,
particularly those who've been vaccinated who are developing breast cancer, colon cancer, and when they're 20, 30 years old, which before was almost never seen.
So what we're seeing is the synergism. There's a synergism between the microwave and the damage from the environmental toxin. So if you're exposed to pesticides and you're exposed to microwaves, it
increases the damage. much greater than just the adage, in fact, it's a synergistic effect.
Well, in Fabian's article, he goes further, something I had looked up, but I don't think I put that much in my article, was that the Department of Defense declared, this is the decade of the
brain, and we're entering a decade in which there's a neural warfare So it's the war of the brain. So what we're trying to do is find a way to control the brain, control people's thinking
by using nanotechnology. And so included in the COVID vaccine was these nanobots, which are microscopic, graphene oxide, which undergoes self-assembly, accident antenna, responds to microwaves,
Response to the cell phone, they've casted it numerous ways. and they found out that it's sending signals out of the body of the person and recorded on the Laptop Ah Sir we see that that this is a
cell control so what they found is the department of defense has been writing about and trying to patent for a long time about our merger of machines with men with man to call that have an enhanced
soldier so he mainly they looked at vision so he can see much further and named on broad city and like an owl or a hawk they can hear much better and they're stronger
but they also have private advance and Darpa have thought about well why don't we have it so we can control people's thinking so they can't think thoughts that we don't want them to hack like I don't
like the government. What the government is doing is bad. So they adjust it so that it affects the neurons. These injected nanobots can go into the brain, can control the neurons, so that you're
unable to have that thought. And I showed you a video of the CIA having a meeting saying, well, we can give an injection, a vaccination, in which you can't have a religious experience And only
one person in the audience objected, that's a horror. And that was, I remember you gave me that video, and that was of Bill Gates, and we'll come to that throughout this whole series. Bill Gates
presenting a talk to the CIA, correct me if I'm wrong, on how we can manipulate a virus so you that can take people who are religious zealots or something like that, and you could convert them. as
the virus infects them and reaches certain levels of executive function. So this is 10 years ago, I think that video is a long time ago, 10 years ago to the CIA, I got the video, you got the
video, you have to find it, but that's what you're talking about. Right, yeah, it's a control, your ability not to think of things they don't want you to think about.
the problem is - We're saying censorship, and now they want to censor your own brain. So the problem here, again, we're getting into another subject, and you mentioned this. Now, let me go back
a little bit. The lot of the research that you just mentioned, Fabian mentioned this, the Russian research he was able to find on animals in the heat damage and so forth and so on. This research
apparently has gone on, but it's not known publicly well. Cause it's military information as I correct Macros national security and then the next thing is it's also gone on in the telecommunications
industry and they are aware of the fact that microwave radiation can be damaging to the people who use it AM I correct about that correct that's correct and and so that's obviously involved with the
cell phones that that everybody's getting and you're talking about the fact that not only it you could you get to tissue warming it's not at that level like you see in the microwave in your oven it's
it's it's below that level and it produces ruptured membranes it obviously destroys function of the cell can destroy the the genetic makeup it causes all kinds of damages you mentioned which leads to
some of the reports which we know have been of tumors as you mentioned in the breast or brain tumors because the common thing people do is they leave it here and they're talking, there was a recent
study by Pew Foundation saying that 50 of the young people use cell phones constantly all day. So what you're saying is, wait a minute, what are they exposing themselves to? And if they
have other things that have made their immune systems less responsive, we're not talking about a million people getting brain tumors from it, but we're talking about something that can occur over
time and that's already been reported in multiple different case reports about brain tumors related to cell phones. So the question then is, is all those things true? What I just said? That's true
why isn't the public being told?
well everytime they try to tell them the telecommunications industry will pay researchers to say that they couldn't find anything and then they go right article people don't understand girlfriend was
ghost writing it is a industry the pharmaceutical telecommunication pays a company to write an article that looks just like this legitimate has no author then they go to people who can be manipulated
with money and say put your name on it will go lectures put in a high level magazine draw and so you'll be famous and so they'll put their name on art and never saw it they didn't do the research and
they had their name on and then they give the Reagan branch to physicians who say oH well I read an article said all that nonsense I read an articles that didn't cause DNA damage so no it doesn't
colleges thank you sir Now we're getting into the aspect of science, which can be corrupted, and you presented a whole bunch of evidence so far, both in the bird flu and the monkey pox. And now
we've got it in microwave radiation, which look, a lot of this technology is very good and very beneficial to society. It's great for us to be able to talk like we're talking on Zoom now, or if I
can call you on the phone, it's terrific or talk to people all over the world I couldn't do this before. But like anything else, like nuclear weapons, there are harmful ways that this can be used.
And that's what we're talking about. And here is something that could be very beneficial and has been to humanity. But there are evil people with evil intent who wanna cover this information up in
which it can have very bad effects on humans. And that's what you're talking about. That's the warning that you were, saying that's what Fabian was trying to say about all of these things that are
going on. 'Cause there are some people out there who basically are not good people, they're bad people. Okay, so now we've got it's being used and we're gonna get into that in a future times about
the pharmaceutical industry that's in there for money. We got a telecommunication industry that's in there for money. And we know in fact from you and I that artificial intelligence is coming out
and it's being used to write an article. It's being used to take a picture of me and have words come out of my mouth that sound exactly like voice, but it says nothing that I ever said in my life.
That's right. So this is a part of technology which is very dangerous and very threatening and we're trying to point that out to people.
That's correct, you know, both my sons are videographers. They do photograph. And so they said in past time, in the 1940s, '50s, a picture was worth a thousand words. If you saw a picture of
something, it was true. In the Soviet Union and demonstrated, we can alter those pictures, change heads on the captured person in the photograph. They went easy in there and you'll think they
were We can alter the photo. And so then photos were not worth anything. You could see pictures of people who were transferred there who really weren't there. Well, now with AI, you could do it
with a video of a person, making my artificial person. You can steal his voice and it can be rearranged to make him say something he didn't say And everybody say, well, I saw a video and I heard
him say it. You see, it's completely deceiving the public. And then you say, I never said that, and we'll try to prove it.
So we're getting to a point here where we have modern technology that has really major benefits to society, but also with people who have malintent or are basically bad or evil or want to have
gain out of it, which is economic, which is to corrupt this and its use so they can get something out of it. And so now we're into another category and that is microwave radiation. You also wrote
about this. And that is if we project ourselves, and Fabian was worried about this, which is why he wrote about it now, we project ourselves to 2050 and technology is advanced. And microwave
radiation As now they're doing experiments with this, we know this already. I think Musk has got somebody who's got some stereotactic neurosurgeon. I'm not criticizing him, but it can implant in a
device that has a very good use. You can use this to maybe activate part of the brain to help you move your arms or your legs or your speech, and they've got ways of improving vision. These are
immense advances, but there's a bad side to that And the bad side is being used by the military, and that is controlling people. You want to talk about that a little bit. But it's used by both the
military and intelligence community. And like you say, it's a double-edged sword. It can be used to bring sight to people that couldn't see and hearing. Paralysed people. You could do some pretty
miraculous things with this technology if it's used correctly. There's a nefarious side of people who want to use it to make profit to control people to create a society that they want to control and
that's what's selling these videotapes that are put out by the department of Defense either saying that it's a war of mine we want to take over people's mind while the government it is one of the
things I want to talk about is injecting these nanobots in people that respond to microwaves whether you've got a crowd of a million people well in the past you had huge police force military trying
to control that crap and if you look at some of the countries they overwhelmed the police and the government chain there's a new government so the the psychopaths in society don't want that to ever
happen to them so you can take a million people who have been forcibly injected with these Nanobots by stands the health thing,
and then you can turn microwaves on the crowd. They'll leave the fall to the ground unconscious, develop vertigo and fall to the ground, go to nausea and vomiting, their skin will burn, which
agent Fabian talks about,
and you can control a million people.
So no matter how big the crowd is, all you gotta do is stand up, turn on that frequency, and that's in their body, and they're incapacitating. And the hinge. So it is an ultimate tool that
Stalin thought was the greatest thing in the world. If I could have just controlled everybody like you have the technology now to do.
So I think the
message that's almost consistent in each topic we've discussed today, There are marvelous advances that can be made. biologically and technologically, but there are also
evil and really unintended, I shouldn't say that, evil and intended bad use of some of this technology, which can be very harmful to human beings. And that can be publicized in these bird flow and
monkeypox. And one of
the things I think that we need to mention is that the graphene in the vaccines that were used in COVID, there is a graphene in there. Graphing is
a carbon, a very strong carbon plate when it assembles. It's very strong. And it has no biological use. It has no medical use. What's it doing in the vaccine? And that gets to the point you're
trying to say Well, in fact, they denied it was in there. Three universities in Spain had examined the vow. and testified that it was in the vials, they had proven it, and they were all called
liars. Well, since then, other laboratories have looked at it and said, yes, it is in there. And so they're losing the battle to try to confuse the public, and they, we fact checked that
there's no graphene oxide in, yes, there is. And so that gets back to the reason we talked about where we don't want the World Health Organization to be dictating to us. And the major donor
besides the United States is the Bill Gates Foundation.
We don't want an organization to be dictating
our health, our health, our regulations of what we should do from a corrupt organization like the World Health Organization. And yet most of the countries have bought into this, the United States,
I guess, under Trump is going to withdraw from that. and so these have wide implications that really affect all of the viewers in this program no matter what Country You're in That's wrong with all
freedom when disappear Yeah Okay Russell anything else we didn't cover you on a SEC while one thing about the microwave that was discovered was it activates Micro Glia in Your Brain Okay Michael Glare
his activation is behind all the Neurodegenerative disease Alzheimer's Parkinson's LS frontal polar dementia we always see on microglial activation strokes head trauma and so heres away and remotely
to produce the activation of microglia and started destructive process
the other thing there was a book written by Joseph Delgado and called physical control of the mind Amazoncom civilized civilization I read this book years ago decades ago and he was one of the
smartest people in neurophysiology you should publish on and he found he could implant electrodes and in the brains of animals and control
and then he discovered well I don't need to use electrodes anymore I don't have to drill a hole in the head I can do it purely with microwaves where he disappeared we never publish anything again and
are a reporter from discover magazine founding and asked him what are you doing while you're high he said well I'm not hiding it's just I don't publish anymore and he said the government has purchased
me a laboratory that is the top lab laboratory and our purely for them they give me everything I want and now I can control human beings purely with microwaves at a distance. I can make them hear
things, see things. I control them remotely. Well, the combination of a granting outside and the microwave makes that much easier. That's a step forward. And that's what's in a Fabian's article.
If he goes into detail about how they're doing that and they're combining it with AI to make it even more effective, to control how you think and what you can think about. I remember Delgado because
this was, this was gonna be more than 10, 15, 20 years ago. And I read some of his papers
at the time, which I thought were, and it wasn't on microwave, but it was on his basic work and physiology. And so he was, he did an outstanding job. His papers were outstanding So anyway,
that's a.
Interesting story our connection with the past while okay I think we've covered a number of subjects today where we may publish them in parts but you've done a superb job and it's what we're trying to
do here is to to to relate with people here and try to make some sense out of it we talked about Monkey pox we talked about bird flu now we're talking about cell phones and microwave radiation most of
these things are either the public is being exposed to no information or this information or mal information as you are saying now this it may be true they don't want you to know it but Ah and the
purpose here is for Us and I digital to bring controversial subjects to the to the awareness of the public so that you can sit down look at this understand it will give you references for it read
about it and come to your own decisions But we want you to get information free and open that you can decide for yourselves and not have other people deciding what you should know. Any other thoughts
you want to add to that? I think you're correct. And it's about information. And what we see now is they're going to extreme links to censor and prevent information from being disseminated. You
look at position, the license are taken away. The medical organizations are throwing them out of their organization. Hospitals are taking away their privileges merely for even mentioning a question,
saying it should be looked into it. If you don't buy a hook line and sinker, your careers owe. These are physicians spend their whole life in training and suddenly they're thrown out of hospitals,
medical organizations and they lose their license. And they have one physician in Maine, who they wanted to get a mental examination for daring to promote Ivermectin and question it. And she's a
very smart person, very smart. Yes. Well, I think this is exactly what we're trying to do is to bring the truth to the public. My guess is if we submitted this as an article to a standard journal,
it would be rejected. For reasons the public is now becoming aware of
And so anyway, thank you very much for doing the work to prepare for this. You're gonna have a regular segment with us on Dr. Blalock reports. And so we'll do another one next week. And so people
will be able to have the chance to hear a different side of the story than what they are exposed to. Thank you, Jim, appreciate it. Thank
you These are the key references to this presentation.
prepared to take screenshots for your records.
And these are the series of references on microwave radiation. There are three pages.
With a publication in the Boylack Wellness Report on the Dangers of New Microwave Technologies.
We hope you enjoyed this presentation.
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