SNI Digital, Innovations in Learning, a new 3D Live video journal with interactive discussion
in association with SNI Surgical Neurology International, a 2D internet journal
We're pleased to present another in the SNI Digital Investigative Series,
and this is entitled Microwave Radio Frequencies 5G6G Graphing Nanomaterials Technologies Used in Neurological Warfare
This talk is provided from a paper, research paper, published in SNI by Dr. Fabian Dorell, who is an independent researcher in France,
and his email address is listed below.
This is the paper published in Surgical Neurology International, Microwave Radio Frequencies
5G6G, Graphy Nanomaterials, Technology Used and Neurological Warfare, Found in Surgical Neurology International,
2024, volume 15, page 439,
with the listed DOI
Some commentary, I think, is in order in regard to this topic, which is a very controversial and will be a very controversial subject globally.
This presentation is an interview with a researcher, Dr. Fabian Dorell Dr. Dorell's interview is directly transmitted
by Dr. Saeed Ali Khansari,
who is a neurosurgeon born in Persia, trained in France, is fluent in French, and works at UCLA in the Department of Neurosurgery.
We have done this so that the audience knows that there is a direct translation of what Dr. Dorell is saying, which comes from his paper.
Some of the translation. has been eliminated for the ease of the viewer's reading. Some key portions remain in French so that the viewer can see that there's a direct correlation with what he says.
This is a very controversial subject of interest to everyone globally
And as a result of Dr.
Dorell's research, we've also listed for ease of the
viewer's reading and listening a summary of the key points of his talk.
This summary will be found at the beginning and the end of the presentation with the references In addition,
we have cited a work by Dr. Russell Blalock, who is a member of the SI board,
when also independently written about the same subject and comes to similar conclusions.
We've provided these different points of view again for the reader and for the viewer's benefit.
The SI digital is devoted as is SI to bringing truthful information to the public. Facts that you're able to understand and then make a decision on your own about what you believe is correct. We
hope this information's been helpful to you. Translation of Dr. Durell's talk is by Saeed Ali Khansari.
He's a neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery at the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles.
The key points of Dr. Dural's presentation, microwave radio frequency technology was discovered a hundred years ago. In the 1950s, research on microwave radiation was performed on animals in
Russia and found to be harmful to the central nervous system.
Number three, diplomatic personnel in different global locations developed disabling CNS symptoms related to microwave radiation,
also known as the Havana syndrome.
Standards of microwave radiation technology were based on tissue warming and were published, but that work was questioned by subsequent investigators. Microwave technology research has been
continued the military and industry. Micromive radiation is found to produce CNS at central nervous system organ. DNA damage at frequencies below tissue heating levels in this research.
Reports of brain tumors have been published, possibly related to microwave radiation.
Higher frequency of microwave radiation has been introduced recently as 5G and 6G, and tissue damage is apparently known to the military and industry. It is not publicly known what damage to the
body occurs with microwave radiation The public has not been informed about the possible side effects of microwave radiation used in cell phones and other microwave radiation applications. There is a
military use of microwave radiation and warfare. Research is being done on neuromodulation and programming the brain to perform speech body movements and vision using implanted devices And concern is
raised. for the possible use of microwave radiation in
mind control by the military by activating these neuromodulation devices.
Graphene, a conductive material, has been included in COVID vaccines for unknown reasons and is distributed throughout the body The possibility of microwave radiation activating this graphene is
considered as a danger.
One recommendation of this program is that information on microwave radiation used in cell phones in other civilian areas should be revealed to the public for safety concerns so that people can make
choices on the use of this potentially harmful technology
I'm in a welcome. I'm in a welcome now our international audience to hear a talk by Fabian Durrell, who is
a PhD in France. And he's gonna talk to us today about microwave radiation. That's the radiation, and I'll just show you a video in just a short minute that we see in our phones. And it's in many
different areas that affect our lives And Fabian has done some extensive research to ask the question, is this microwave radiation harmful to us as humans? And what is the evidence behind the
conclusions that it may be harmful? And what do we know about it? So first,
this is a video that's made by NASA, NASA.
Yeah, American space agency on microwave radiation.
Microwaves can talk to your popcorn. They can catch you sooner. They carry thousands of phone channels to speed your calls. But can microwaves help us learn about our world and our universe? Let's
find out. With wavelengths ranging from 30 centimeters down to one millimeter, microwaves fall between radio waves and infrared. Microwaves are used in Doppler radar, which is widely used for
short-term localized weather forecasting and what you see on TV Weather News. Satellites have revolutionized weather forecasting by providing a global view of weather patterns and surface
temperatures. This unique perspective has greatly increased the accuracy of tropical storm and climate forecasts. Different wavelengths of microwaves grouped into bands provide different information
to scientists. sea bend microwaves, penetrate through clouds, gust, smoke, snow, and rain to reveal the Earth's surface. Satellite microwave measurements reveal the full Arctic sea ice cover
every day, even where clouds exist. These measurements show great variability from year to year, but also an overall decrease in Arctic sea ice since the late 1970s illustrated here with maps and a
time series of Arctic sea ice in September at the end of the summer melt The Japanese Earth Resources satellite uses longer wavelength L-band microwaves for forest mapping by measuring surface soil
moisture, such as this image of the Amazon basin, to identify areas of recent deforestation. L-band microwaves are also used by global positioning systems such as the one in your car. Scientists
routinely combine microwave information with information from other parts of the EM spectrum to study the composition of cosmic dust or of a supernova. such as this supernova image that combines
X-ray, radio, and microwave data. This recently known supernova in the Milky Way exploded just over 140 years ago at the time of the American Civil War. One important phenomenon is unique to
microwaves. In 1965, using long, L-ban microwaves, Arnold Penzius and Robert Wilson made an incredible accidental discovery. They detected what they thought was noise from their instrument, but
was actually a constant background signal coming from everywhere in space. This radiation is called cosmic microwave background, and if our eyes could see microwaves, the entire sky would glow with
a nearly uniform brightness in every direction. The
existence of
this background radiation has served as important evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory for how our universe began. Microwaves have become both staples and wonders of modern life They are also the
backbone of communications and of Earth's sensing systems. and they are an excellent guide to the ancient history and origins of our universe.
That's an introduction from NASA that explains to us in general terms what microwave radiation is. And I'm sure most of us have read or heard over the past years questions about whether using cell
phones can cause brain tumors And mostly the literature says that it's safe but Fabian's going to talk to us about that. The question is, is it really safe and what's the evidence for it? And
that's the subject of the talk today by Fabian Dorel. And this is Fabian's paper that was published in Surgical Neurology International. on microwave radio frequencies, 5G, 6G, which we're
hearing a lot about today. Graphene, what you hear about is a very strong substance now, almost being used to replace iron, but it has a other forms that they'll tell us
about. And these things and how they're being used today, they have many uses that can be very good, but there are other uses that are being used for things that are not so good. And that's use
and neurological warfare. So with, I'd like to introduce to you Fabian Dorel, PhD, he's an independent researcher. He lives in France and he's done, this is a second investigative study that
he's done, and we're publishing in surgical or allergy international. and it'll be an SI digital. So, Bonjour Fabien, good morning. And
I introduced you, Syed Ali Khansari, who is knowledgeable in French, as a French-speaking scientist was,
he was
in Persia, trained in France, and then went to the UCLA. He was trained as a neurosurgeon. He also went to UCLA, where he's a neurosurgeon. Medicine and neurosurgery, he does research. He's
a very close friend and a very prolific scientist. So, Fabien, to start out, and
Syed will help us. Can you just give us a thumbnail, a very short summary. of what this talk is going to be about. So, Fabian, will you give us a short summary of what you're saying? And
actually, it's in this paragraph right here. I would say, Is this good, please? Okay. Dr. Osman, and you want me to go over it a
little bit. Because what he explained is really very important that in regard to the microwave and it's using that we are using daily and this great physicist has shown that it has a lot of side
effect don't tell to the public and he wants to make it clear with this paper that the side effect of the microwave in general that they are using is a lot and it's going to be damaging to the
Okay, so what he's going to tell us in
the next part of the interview is that this microwave radiation, which everybody seems to accept is not being harmful, is actually very harmful biologically. Is that correct? That's exactly what
he mentioned and let me explain, explicate. What a single play. What's your doctor for the end? Explicate, what will opinion, source, sense, shape, mass, blue, explicate. and many of the
effects that it has that are harmful are neurological
as that correct. That's one of the things that he mentioned, that he has a lot of side effect that they don't tell the truth to the people.
Okay, I'm gonna stop sharing this now because I think we can go in and ask him some questions.
And you can tell me whether we should be nice if we can make them short But I think the first place to start, and we've talked about this, is it came to the knowledge of the public that there was
some kind of damage being used against ambassadors and people we had in embassies throughout the world, particularly Russia And after some analysis, it turned out. that this damage was being caused
by microwave radiation being targeted at the embassy.
Is that correct? And then he can tell you what the side effects were. Okay, Doctor, he mentioned that that is true. That has been used in
the military aspect for the control of the brains. And he says that in general, it affects the brains set up wrong in particular, and they use it for the control of the population. In that aspect,
this is the aim they use it. His opinion is that. And so this is the microwave utilization in general, although the military use it for other things, but he wants to say that, that yes, it's
true they can control the mind of the people who also, because of this wave. microwave that, the effect that has on the server function.
And he tell us some of the, uh, the ways in which it produces neurologic deane damage or change, which they found when, uh, in the embassies of Cuba and Moscow and England and so forth. He
mentioned that this is his opinion that they are using in this microwave may, in general, it's going to be to the end up with the controlling of the mind of the people. And that is his opinion. He
said, and he has written and some other people has mentioned about it. Also, he's going to talk about a graphin that he didn't explain that one also. Okay. What I'd like to do is to, um, just
to, just for a minute here, to look at his paper And this is an example, for example, of a microwave radiation that he's using.
that that can here is the microwave tower it can reach many different areas using other towers it can reach buildings and so forth in people so so that's the potential how it potentially can reach
people but the the effects I was asking on it'll right here on this page in his paper what he does is he talks about
Cuba and I don't think you need to translate this because he's convinced and and he said that they complain the PCA personnel complain of symptoms similar to those that occurred in Moscow of noises
chirping ringing grinding noises hearing loss tinnitus sleep problems headaches cognitive problems,
sensations of pressure. These are in many ways, non-specific neurologic symptoms, but they were repeated in embassy after embassy. And in the end, it was, there were here some other in 2019 and
2018, and other places around the world. And here are a number of places in many different countries around.
They can wind up caused what now is being labeled the Vanis syndrome problems with balance, vertical coordination, eye movement, anxiety, irritability, brain damage,
brain fog, which we hear a lot about recently. And all of these things were
then known to the scientists who were using it in Russia and these countries. And they use this to cause damage to the personnel who were in the embassies. And
here he talks about the weapons are able to disrupt brain function without any burning sensation. So we'll talk a little bit about that, but that was the reason I brought that up is that was the
first public widespread knowledge that microwave radiation could be used against humans and could harm them and it was predominantly in neurologic effects.
Fabian, did you, you understood what I said?
Yes, I understand.
He did, he said yes, he said yes, he understood.
This is very important slide that Fabian made up. So we're talking about in the 1990s to
2020, Fabian, and at this time we're getting introduced to 2G, 3G, 4G. Wi-Fi, where we're beginning to learn about the neuropsychiatric effects, which you just documented in your paper, and we
just told you about, and that can reduce behavioral changes. And these are biologic effects, neurological, cellular,
reducing oxidative stress. That's free radicals that occur in the cells that disrupt its metabolism And it can also influence DNA, which gets into tumor formation.
And here's cancer, blood brain barrier permeability, and so forth. So that's, I'm going to stop sharing here. We'll come back to that if Fabian wants. So the question to Fabian is, now we've
established that micro radiation can be harmful to humans
And you've also stated. that this was known to the military at that time.
But people have then in the industry began to use microwave radiation, as we saw in the NASA NASA video, and many applications that can be helpful to us in life, particularly in cell phones.
And the question is,
is that radiation, Fabian, is that radiation levels that people are getting as it's safe, or don't we know, and how are the levels established? You're gonna ask them a little as part. They're
the microwave through the cell phone, the mobile.
I think he has to stop so you can translate a little bit. Okay, Dr. S, he said that the 1950s, they knew about this, but there was a gentleman whose last name was Hill knew this, but tried to
change that one to fabricate, to falsify the data that comes from the scientific fair. At the same time,
he mentioned that the Russian scientists, they had knowledge about this They did a lot of studies on the humans and animals to show that microwave can affect the brain and the whole entire body. And
this was done and have shown, even without raising the temperature, they can damage different parts of the human body. So it was known, but the thing is that also he mentioned that the industry
tried to use this just for their own thing, ignoring the scientific. background of this technology,
but it was known, especially by the Russian scientists, they have looked at this and did the experiments on animals and the different organisms and they knew that there is a lot of side effect by
this technology. Wow, anyway, for just a minute. I think our listeners and viewers need to hear that. So what you're saying in the
1950s, the Russians had done experiments on this and knew that it could produce damage to the neurologic tissue. Obviously, they did this in animals and they went ahead and applied and used this.
It looks like they applied this and used this against personnel from the United States for sure and in embassies in different countries around the world, which did produce neurologic damage and harm.
Is that correct? At this section, he didn't mention about this aspect. They just did the experiment. They knew about this, just to show that the microwave has side effect on the entire human body,
without having any increase of the temperature of the body. That was his point image. He didn't bring the issue of the embassies right now. Okay. But later on, it was So they knew that what its
biological effects would be. And you said it had did not have anything to do with the temperature of the body or it did. It didn't increase the temperature. I couldn't. It didn't increase the
temperature. It didn't increase the temperature. But they saw the effect on the changes in the body in the animals. So they knew about this technology and its side effect even in the 1950s
And so at that point, as I'm trying to, we don't want to make this too long.
In the 1950s then, we had experimentation that showed that it's harmful to human beings. And were the levels that they
used, and make a short question so we can make a short answer. Were the levels that they used,
levels that are being used today in cell phone technology or where they were harmful, what levels were they, were they still low levels, or are they higher
levels? In the modern case, you want to contrast, it said that the level of it was enough to not increase the temperature as it was in the 1950s, 60s or 70s. So even now the industry, the level
of the microbev, the US data. they don't increase the temperature. So that is the limit they have kept it. Okay, so I'm gonna move to the next topic, which is
the standards for microwave. So here we have now, it was, microwave 20s the in known was radiation and 30s. We saw the video about that. We see the experiments which were done in the animals in
Russia, which shows that it can be harmful to people.
We then know that it's been used and it's been used against
personnel that were in embassies around the world. That produced clinical symptoms and the clinical symptoms we went through, which are basically neurological. And so the question is, what is the
safe level? And
again, I want to ask a short question just bringing the audience up to date. What was a, what was a safe level? Who established it and how was it determined to be safe? Okay, he said the real
scientists who are honest, they had look at this point and the limit that they are using on the microwave these days, one million times higher than what it has to be to be safe for the human being
But the industry continues to use this limit, which is one million times higher than which is harmful today in my body.
No, this is - They know about it. This is the most important point here. So they were as limits that were established by an international commission and everybody knew the limits But tell me if I'm
wrong. But it's being used today at levels that are higher than those limits. Is that correct?
And he said that there was an organization in 1992 who established that the limit, but it's a corrupted organization. But before that, in 1989, they had another group, apparently, has solved
this problem. So the industry is using the highest level just for their own benefit. But they knew that there are some, because that organization would suggest that limit is a corrupted
Wow. So we had limits established, but they were established by an organization that you really can't trust is what he's saying, their information. And those limits are now even being exceeded.
by the industry that's using microwave technology, particularly the cell phone industry, is that correct?
So within his input, exactly, yeah. And he's nodding, yes, so I think that, so that's, is that correct, Fabian, right?
So if
I, if I show you my phone, I show you my phone here,
this has radiation that comes from us, correct? And it's my phone, radiation that comes from this, and if I use it, I'm getting radiation to my head. Is this correct? Yes. And the level of
radiation that's in this phone is not really been
scientifically tested to know how harmful it is.
You heard about that, he said that
it is corrupted, what they did, and they knew this has happened. It has side effect on the body and brain.
They knew that, but they just, they want to pay. So I'm going to repeat that because that's another bombshell statement. In other words, we've gone all this way and
now people have begun to use microwave technology in many different ways. And one of them that we see every day is
the phone, right? And
the evidence is that they're using levels of radiation that are above what it was deemed, what was thought to be safe. And we don't even know if that information is true either.
Is that correct? I want the audience to understand the problem. Is that right, Fabian? Is that what I said, right?
So the cell phones aren't safe, he says, and the limits are much, much higher. Yes. Wow.
So if that's so, and we have billions of cell phones around the world,
why don't we see neurologic damage to people who are using them?
Go ahead. What did he say? He said that since this micro-technology has come, the pathology that is produced by these waves has increased the human damage.
It's not only the brain, other parts of the body can get affected. I think I read, or maybe Phoebe and I talked about, there were reports, obviously, of brain tumors that you get, because there
are reports where people are using cell phones constantly, young generations are using them constantly.
almost 50 as I read an article yesterday on using them, 50 are using them all the time, all day long. And so there are reports that you can get brain tumors associated with that. I think people
who carry them in their pockets, I think the reports that it produces radiation effects or cancer nearby, is that correct? Yes, we, in our memo, in our memo. You said the main thing is that to
control the mind, main objective of
the microwaves to control the mind. the side effects on the body is something different and it takes time till they die. So what I want to, we're just, we're coming to the key points here. So
what we've established is that we know microwave radiation has existed for almost 100 years,
1920s. We know that it's been used in many ways that seem to be productive, but we know that it's from experimentation done in Russia, and I asked them to look for that, is it's, it's, there's
no question it can cause harmful effects to the central nervous system, and it's found that in animals. We know that there was a commission to establish what the safe levels were, but we're not
really sure that we can trust those safe levels.
And now we know that the industry is using microwave radiation and this is the next question,
Fabian, they're using it. Are they doing any research on its effects or is it being published?
Yeah, he said that they have done that but always they bring the question, they doubt that if they do that and it's 50 years that they are doing this so they knew this high side of it but they
brought the data that it is doubtful not to go there. The question is, is there any research coming out
done in a systematic scientific way showing the levels that which we're using it today are harmful or not?
Whether thousands published under the scientists who said that side effect of it is enormous.
So, was that recent work or is that old work? You know, I'm trying to establish if this is happening, is there any scientific work going on that's showing this? Or are people just using it and
ignoring the science?
Okay, you said there are a lot of studies that shows that the side effect of the microwave, below the eating level,
there are side effects, and it is published, but the people ignore that results. Is the level to produce heating, below the level that's in the cell phone?
You can't understand what I'm getting to. It is below the level that they say to have the heating effect, but there are a lot of side effects, even at that low level of the microwave. And do we
know that from the research? How do we know that? Say, I will show you how to publish. We, we, we, we, yes, yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, So now all
we know is that we've got the radiation from 100 years ago. We know that the Russian did experimental work, which shows that it can produce central nervous system damage. We know some limits were
established I'm an international commission, and that was based on heating. I think we talked about that before. And, and we know that industries have, have flourished or have been, been
developed, which are using microwave technology, particularly in the cell phone industry as an example. And we know that even though it may not heat the tissue, but we don't know that, for sure.
It can produce effects below a heating level that can be damaging. And it would appear, if that's so, they're not instant. There, it takes a long time to achieve that damage. Is that correct?
Yeah, and you said this is fast because the effect on the genes, and it's affected genes very rapidly. It's not that it takes long time to show the effect. Okay, well, I'm getting to it. I'm
getting to it. He was saying, he wants to say something. Go ahead, 5G, oh, okay
G5, that's
you saying that the effect is talking about.
So, the question the audience is going to want to know, should they go out and buy a cell phone? And if they buy a cell phone, are they going to get cancer, brain tumors?
The more they use their cell phone, they have higher chance of getting these side effect cancers And also, you put them on there, there are the new airports that the Apple has put it, that they
put it
in the airport. I know he answered that, even if they are not anything which has no wire, they have the technology of the microwave, so they have their own effect That was my question about the
airport they use with the Apple. Many people use it rather than to have the cell phone exactly why they are
here does she have it does she have a cell phone was it was it
he has this computer analytic, very small amount of the cell phone he uses. He said everything is with the warrior in his office. So everything is wired technology in his own. Okay, that's
interesting. So I think we've learned a lot here. We want to come near the end. I wanted to ask a couple more questions. So we've established that this is a technology from a hundred years ago.
We've established that there's been research by the Russians showing it can be harmful to the nervous tissue. We know it can be harmful to other organs also. We didn't go into that. It can produce
sterility in the ovaries and testes. Isn't that correct,
Pabion? Yes. Yeah, so it has effects on other systems too. We also know that it can produce genetic changes, which Pabion has mentioned several times. We also know that an industry, the cell
phone industry, has been developed and that they're using progressively more powerful radiation. Is that correct
with 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G? Yes. And that's not been tested, as you know, as anyone knows, for its effect on humans. Is that correct? Not been tested. We also know that it can produce tumors,
There's, there, even though there may not be larger reports, there are reports, scatter reports in the literature of brain tumors that seem to be related to the use of cell phones and probably
related to, uh, and constant exposure to the radiation. Is that correct?
Okay. And so we have an industry here that's be, that's being developed based on scientific evidence in regard to
damage that's not been established. And we're continuing to increase the frequency and the, the, the use of this, uh, this radiation spectrum and we don't know what the effects are. Is that
correct? No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no,
Okay, you got it, sir, that people don't know, the population don't know about the military and the industry know about the side effect. Oh, okay, that's a wonderful point. So he said that the
population, people don't know. And it's obvious because they're trying to get people like me to buy cell phones, but military knows, right? And
industry does know. Yes. So this is a terrible situation. This means the public isn't being told the truth.
And so in the public, no, sorry. I won't.
international, the sonic, low MS. Goodness, we'll see you in the first one there. I don't have enough for the political. OK, the international group know about the health, they know about it,
but they don't tell to the public. So if we're going to make a recommendation from this, obviously one recommendation is to follow what Fabian is doing and have the electric connections rather than
the microwave connections. That's one, the second recommendation is
that industry should be developing research, credible research to guide the use of microwave technology and its effects on humans
I recommend that industry, the
industry, the environment, the limits, the cell phones, the.
Hopefully, it's just in the real command. So you'd agree with that? Yes, yes, it's very good. Okay, I want to ask the last couple of questions. So what you've told us today, Fabian, is
astounding. I think
we appreciated Dr. Kansari's interpretations of your translations of your French, but the message is clear
that this can be very damaging radiation. We don't know enough about it. The military does, and we'll come to that in a second. We know that industry knows about it, but the public doesn't know.
So now let me get to the last question, Fabian,
It's been used on the military. The unit military has been using this technology, knowing full well that it can damage the nervous system.
And these are militaries perhaps around the world. What is there? There are two, two intents. One is to use
it to
damage people militarily, but there's another use And the other use is we're getting to a time in our history where we're beginning to implant sensors or our objects in
the brain that when stimulated can control speech and control movement and other things. And the worry that you have and you wrote in your paper is that these are responsive These are sensitive to
microwave radiation.
and that some people with very bad intentions
might be able to develop this to program the brain and to essentially force the human to do things that they would not want to do through computers and all kinds of technology. Is that your concern?
in the
Mandel table Oh
I don't know, we used to do it for a while. And I think it's a very good idea. I think it's true. Okay, he said it's true. There was something from the 1970s that they had. They could, in
their case, apparently he knows that they, and. Direct someone to kill the others because of this technology So it is possible that they use it for the harming the population in future. And using
it to, the other part is using it to take advantage of this computer
and data revolution about
controlling the brain or controlling the individual through a microwave interface with a receptor in the brain Is that correct? Yes. Okay. That's very, very important. It's a worry as far as we
know it hasn't been done, but obviously it's a concern, just like using technology now, that has not been proven to be scientifically safe, that was used against people and embassies to cause
damage to them, which it did. And now, if you have people who are not looking for good things and want to control and damage people, there is a potential that that could happen. Is that correct?
Yes. Now, one last question
and that's just to bring this message about the human computer interface with microwaves. You did some work also, which we're gonna talk about in another session on COVID-19 and the pharmaceutical
And you found that in the vaccines and this is well known because others have found the same thing that there was a an agent given in the vaccine called graphing
and Everybody who got a vaccination got graphing and graphing is a metal
Right It's a It's a
comport come metal like the conductor this on the mayor said you said you carbon your defense and you carbon It's
a conducting Conducting metal metal. Yes And so the question is why is graphene in a vaccine
It has no medical benefits Correct. Yes, correct So
the question, we're not the first people to ask this question. Other people have asked this same question and it hasn't been answered.
And the answer who is one of the concerns is, if humans who have had multiple injections have this graphene in their system and they're exposed to microwave radiation, this potentially could be
damaging. Is that correct?
It's like the cell phones that were used by Hezbollah in
that were programmed to explode. The Patriots. The Patriots. Yes. The Patriots. The Patriots. Yes. So, Fabian, I
want to ask Fabian one last question Is there anything that you want to say we didn't ask you, and do you think that this has been a fair interview? We made the fair conclusions. I'm going to ask
you the same question, Said.
Okay. Fabian, what do you're going to translate? My name is Watropino, and I say one that discuss young, or in Watropino, and said the session, the Guru and the Doctor Asma.
I caught that if you ever see one or look leafless resented him he called it his own electorate a more se le Sujet la prison after boss and Atleti the appalling and obscure to the fade pull a caching
layer varied that revealing the objective then a corner
or operas in the face of wealth girl in color
on Bourgeois do not most there are countless
or acre or sisters a OfA are not Suji could all have been a zeal as enjoy Geo engineering
or a cure
The problem is that we have to be able to invest in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world, in the world.
You want to translate what he said and then we want your past few year opinion, okay. He said it's a very important thing that we talk about it now because in a few years we mean it's going to be
late when we have the side effect of this thing. And also there is a new thing geoengineering that they have to think about it maybe to find another way to use it the microwave for the future because
it's needed for our daily use in the air of communication and everything.
And I'm going to ask you a question. You read the papers. You're an established respected scientist.
Did we present a fair
understanding of Fabian's work to the public today? I think it is very impressive. Maybe we have to bring him to UCLA. We need such a smart people at UCLA to teach and do the research at UCLA,
because Randy, I'm impressed for his work and his honesty, although the world is not honest, but in the science, we need honest people to explain the truth to the public, because I have read a
lot of also reports from Sweden and from other content, they said, microwaves, the cell phone is safe, because it came out many times in a rose neurosurgeon discussion, does it cause brain tumor,
acoustic tumor? That was the kind of question has come. Everybody said it is safe, what with his discussion, I'm very impressed with what he has done, and he has researched, and it's going to
open the door for future, and I really congratulate him Although I am not into politics of it, or the military, or against it. you know, it's good to know this thing. I am impressed by the
knowledge that he has and explained for us. And I gave this his paper to one of our faculty who he had the background of the engineering to read because it's a really, very eye-opening article.
you. Well, thank you very much. I just want to make sure we're presenting something that is, again, SI digital is, we're committed to presenting topics that are controversial and that's our
purpose, our purpose is to bring the truth to the public and we've, we now have talked to a scientist who's studying this in great detail and he's given us an explanation, which you've translated
for us and which we both read, That
is. That's like what we summarized
and that we're at a stage where we're using a technology that has microwave radiation, and we don't know really, we know that it can be damaging, we know that it can cause damage to the DNA and to
the tissues. We know that their case is reported, we know that it's been used to hurt people in embassies around the world with very devastating effects, and we know that the spectrum of microwave
frequency is increasing, so the public can benefit more from it. What we don't know is the basic research behind that,
which we know the army knows or the military knows, we know industry knows, but the public doesn't know And our purpose today is to inform the public of knowledge that they don't have on science and
this technology has can be used to benefit many people in humanity it's already done that but on the other hand we don't want to have it produce harm or or have people use it in a harmful way do we
all agree on that exact
yes thank you Fabian I know this was not easy thank you for doing that I shall get back to you about about the year your other paper on the pharmaceutical industry and Corvidae which is also another
explosive paper on revealing some very controversial topics which are now becoming known in the public more widely as people are realizing that there has been was not there was damage associated with
the vaccines and we've just talked a little bit today about the graphene that's in there That's, we don't know why it's there. We know that it potentially could be harmful if activated by microwave
radiation. We need answers.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your time and everything. Thank you very much, Fabian. And thank you, Said. That's just took a bit of time and effort and reading. And as usual, you
perform superbly. Thank you, Said. I think this was an outstanding opportunity for the public to learn. Thank you very much. Oh, what was you over the weekend? Oh, well, oh, well, oh, well,
well. Other references on this subject, as we have mentioned, Dr. Russell Blalock, who writes the Blalock Wellness Report, published by Newsmaxcom, and the email address is listed at the bottom.
as it is written a an eight page paper on the dangers of new microwave technologies coming to similar conclusions as doctor drew out
his conclusions are that it's impossible to evade microwave radiation emitters consisting of WIFI cell phones electronic toys TV sets microwave others ovens and cell towers and more there is a sixteen
year government study which was found microwave radiation was dangerous to human beings the study was ignored by the Federal Communications Commission which fully accepted the word of the
telecommunications industry
cell phones held close to the ear can radiate the ear brain and temporal Lobe vital for learning and memory and can cause behavioral changes
The child's brain absorbed more radiation than the adult. Studies show that there's an increase in leukemia, lymphoma, and brain tumors with this radiation located around schools.
5G microwave radiation will be installed as it's rolled out to the public closer to homes and schools
My power pulsed microwaves. 4G and 5G are more damaging than continuous wave, micro-radiation,
nano-aluminum particles in the environment, and in vaccines also enter the body, brain, stay for decades, and are more toxic when exposed to microwave radiation microwave radiation from older cell
phones can damage the brain.
Pregnant women's study found that a pregnant woman sleeping in a room with micro-radiation. as a 20 times greater chance of a child being born with neurologic problems and learning deficits. The
prospect of mind control using nanotechnology combined with microwave radiation is known in published studies. Dr. Blalock is an associate editor-in-chief SNI of Digital.
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Surgical Neurology International is a 2D internet journal with Nancy Epstein as its editor-in-chief. Its web address is siglobal. SI Digital Innovations and Learning is a 3D video journal which has
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SNI surgical neurology international has read in 239 countries since 2010 it is the third largest readership in neurosurgery. SNI digital innovations and learning is a new all video journal of
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In addition, the foundation supports a medical news network whose purpose is to bring truthful medical and science news to the world.
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